    HomePainWhat Are True Facts About Migraines?

    What Are True Facts About Migraines?

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    Migraines can be described as stress, tension, and headache clusters. Migraines can be caused by poor health, such as sinusitis, colds/flu, and poor healthcare. Migraines can be triggered by a lack of sleep. Make sure you get at least 6 hours of sleep each night. As we age, insomnia can become more common. However, it is important to not take naps. Naps can cause headaches to get worse or return with avengeance.


    If you feel that a nap is necessary, consider whether you could be energized with just a few minutes sleep. Do you need a nap for 10, 30, or 45 minutes? Never allow more than this in any given time. Do not go to bed after 4PM. You may wake up in the middle of the night and feel tired for days. You may also have Sleep Apnea. Checking into this possibility could save you from the horror of paying for medication, doctor bills, and other complications that can lead to seizures.

    Drink plenty of fluids. Often, sudden thirst is caused by a lack of water the previous day.


    Make sure you have water on hand; drink it! Avoid colas and other non-natural drinks. You will soon realize how harmful sodas and other drinks can be once you learn to drink enough water. Check your eyes, especially if contacts or glasses are worn. Even if your prescription has changed, medication can sometimes throw off your prescription. Eye strain can also be caused by computer work.

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    Get your thyroid checked. Most people don’t realize how important the thyroid regulates the body. Too much or too little thyroid can throw the body off balance. Keep moving! Get plenty of exercise and fresh air to keep your migraines at bay. Instead of being glued to your computer or TV screen, go for a walk or bike ride on breaks.

    Proper Diet

    Migraines can also be caused by bowel problems. When was the last time your bowel movements were irregular? Pay attention to your body. Are you feeling constipated? Are you experiencing diarrhea? What was eaten? When it was eaten? How long ago did it take? Your body’s fuel will determine how much travel you get. Avoid eating processed cheeses, onions and chocolate. Also, avoid foods high in sugar and foods that are a trigger for allergies like almonds and mushrooms.

    Are you free from food allergies? As we all disliked food as children, so too do we as adults. We are more likely to eat foods we don’t like or become allergic to foods we love.

    Food Allergies

    These play a significant role in migraines. Understanding how food affects you will help you avoid a lot of pain. Be careful; don’t set yourself up. Keep track of everything you eat. A single form of allergic reaction can cause an allergic reaction, but not another. Raw mushrooms vs. cooked mushrooms Avoid allowing anyone to touch your head, especially if it is tender.

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    Chiropractic Care

    It is a must. A chiropractor can help with back problems, as well as minor injuries, if you have had a fall or other accident. Listen to him! An alignment can correct your ribs that may be pressing on your lungs. It can also adjust your breathing ability, bowels and other functions. There is a direct relationship between bones and how they pull them. It also affects the function/malfunction or health of organs and body parts. It can also enhance your life and nutritional health. Which would you rather have, a chiro, meds, or surgery? It’s good to vomit! It actually releases a chemical that relieves headaches. Let it flow if you feel nauseated. Sometimes, rubbing your stomach can help to relieve motion sickness.


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