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    건조한 모발에 윤기를 되찾는 방법?

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    Dry hair is hair that lacks moisture. Dry hair is when the oil glands don’t provide enough oil. Dry hair can make it look duller and less shiny. It becomes fragile and breaks easily. It loses its natural sheen, and elasticity. The average person loses their hair every day, but someone with dryness will lose more.

    건강한 두피

    Dandruff is also caused by dry hair. The scalp and skin are unhealthy. Hair becomes frizzy and splits at ends. This can be caused by a thyroid problem. Hair can dry out and fall due to hormonal changes. Poor nutrition and illness can also be to blame. It could be genetic or external factors such as the weather.

    Hair can dry out if it is exposed to the sun for a prolonged period of time or exposed to harsh winds. Dryness can also be caused by water used to wash hair. Excessive use of chemicals on hair may also cause dryness. Hair can be damaged by styling, perms, curlers, and dryers. Over-shampooing can also strip hair of its moisture. Hair can become dry and brittle if it is left untreated or treated improperly. Hair is affected by chlorine in water. Some medications can have a strong effect on hair. Dry hair treatment doesn’t just mean it needs more water, it also requires more oil to keep it moisturized.

      일반적인 두통 유발 요인은 무엇인가요?

    시도해 보세요!

    • Coconut oil: Apply coconut oil to your scalp using your fingertips. Let it sit for a while before you wash.
    • Olive Oil: Apply a little olive oil to your hair.
    • Massage your scalp gently using any warm oil to increase blood circulation. This will encourage hair growth and shine.
    • Vinegar: Vinegar acts like a conditioner. After shampooing your hair, rinse it with warm water and a little vinegar.
    • Beer: Beer is also a great conditioner. Rinse your hair with beer.
    • Egg: Use an egg to make a paste and apply it to your hair. It should be left on for a while before you wash it off.
    • Curd: Curd can be used to cover hair before washing.
    • Henna: Instead of using chemicals to color your hair, use henna to condition and dye it.
    • Aloe Vera: Take a Aloe Vera leaf off the tree and squeeze out the juice. This juice can be applied to your scalp on a regular basis.
    • Lemon: Lemon juice can be applied to the hair. This keeps your head clean.
    • Honey: Honey can also be used on the skin before washing.
    • Water: It is important to drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated.
      편두통의 부작용은 무엇인가요?


    You can easily treat hair dryness and dullness by following the home remedies. Do not comb your hair vigorously. For less hair breakage, use a wide tooth brush. Protect your hair from the elements. Swimming requires you to wear a cap. Instead of drying your hair with dryers, air dry your hair as much as you can. Avoid styling or chemical treatments. Use natural products more often. Shampoo your hair less often. Regularly trim the ends. Exercise regularly and eat healthy foods to improve blood circulation.


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