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    There are many reasons why constipation can occur. It could be due stress, lack of exercise, or poor diet. Constipation can make you feel bloated or weak. Constipation isn’t a sign of illness. It’s a condition that slows down bowel movements. This can cause discomfort and even lead to other health problems. Simple home remedies can be used to treat constipation, especially if it’s mild and does not require medical attention.

    적절한 식단

    First, check your diet. Are you incorporating enough grains products into your meals? It is recommended that you consume 6 ounces of cereals, starchy vegetables (potatoes and corn, lima beans), and breads every day. Grains are high fiber and can stimulate peristalsis, or bowel movement. Consuming lots of fruits and vegetables can also help with constipation. Starchy vegetables are a great choice, as we have already mentioned. Fruits include bananas and raisins, apples, grapes and peaches, as well as oranges, and prunes.

    If you have a juicer at your home, you can juice them or make a smoothie with them using a blender. This will ensure that you get enough every day. Apples should be eaten one hour after regular meals, bananas between meals, and raisins one hour after meals.

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    수분 공급

    Water therapy is one of the most effective home remedies for constipation. Drink 8 glasses of water every day, and 5 glasses of hot water if you can. This has been proven to be helpful in constipation relief. Water can also flush out toxins from your body. The best constipation home remedy is to increase fiber intake.

    Fiber can increase stool mass and stimulate the colon to expell its contents more quickly. You can find fiber in fruits, vegetables, and, as mentioned, in grains. You can make a salad with fiber-rich fruits to snack on. You should consume about 30g of fiber per day, but constipation can make this a more difficult task. Once constipation is gone, you can return to your regular daily fiber intake for maintenance.


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