    HomeDietAm I a Smart Dieter?

    Am I a Smart Dieter?

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    Ever had a moment when everything was crystal clear between who you think and who you really are? I have. My time came 10+ years ago. I was just starting to kick my 2-pack-a day cigarette habit, and was chatting with a friend who was not afraid to say something that she thought was funny. Here’s how it ended. We were talking about a local band, and I decided to get another cup of coffee. My weight loss journey began. Although I was angry at her for being so direct, her comment has stayed with me for 10+ years and is a stark reminder of how quickly you can gain weight if your not careful.

    Take Note

    • Remember that you are not in a race. People who want to lose weight like to see immediate results. They expect to be able instantly to lose 20-50 pounds in a matter of months. It is possible, but if you want to lose weight quickly, it is unlikely that you will be able to do so immediately after quitting your diet. Slow and steady is the key to losing weight. Studies show that people who lose 1-2 pounds per week are more likely not to gain it back.
    • Weight loss and maintaining it is all about lifestyle changes. This is where most dieters make mistakes. Remember the cabbage diet from a few years ago? You can lose tons of weight by restricting your diet to one type of food. You will eventually eat less if you don’t like the food you’re restricted to, and you will eat less. Smart dieters know that restrictions are necessary, but there are many great foods that are healthy and won’t make your fat. Moderation is key to weight loss.
    • You can wipe your face, rub some dirt on it, and get back on the horse if you fall. I’m a sucker to ice cream. However, don’t let food beat you. You are not the only one who succumbs to cravings. Everybody who dies must deal with this. If you do cheat, don’t kill your self.
    • One cheat day per week is a good idea. You will eventually lose your weight, so give yourself a day off to indulge in your favorite unhealthy foods. A cheat day can do wonders for your diet psychologically. It is unlikely that it will harm your diet efforts. Your body is smart. Your body is smart. If you restrict calories too much, your body will believe you are starving and go into starvation mode. Cheat days can be good.
    • Eat 4-6 small meals per day – Most people think of breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Stop thinking in terms of breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can keep your hunger pangs at bay by eating a lot of mini-meals throughout the day. Your body actually burns calories during digestion, which is something many people don’t know. This diet of “grazing”, which consists of small meals, will help you keep your blood sugar in check.
    • Always eat breakfast – I used to skip breakfast in college. I was so ashamed of my bad habit. This was something I had to change when I turned 30. Breakfast will boost your metabolism and keep you going all day. Smart dieters know that you can’t skip breakfast and risk binging at lunch.
    • Keep a log of all your food intake. It is easy to forget the piece of cake you had at a colleague’s farewell party. It is easy to forget about the handful of nuts we ate while cooking dinner. You can keep a diet journal to help you not cheat, and you can also track your daily intake.
    • It is not enough to eat healthy. Regular exercise is a must. Most people are lazy. We would be able to do without dieting. Smart dieters know that a diet alone will not keep you trim and slim.
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    Here’s why: As we age, our metabolism slows and we lose muscle. To compensate for the loss of muscle, we will need to eat less calories. This is the basic idea. While a diet may be helpful in the short-term, it is not a permanent solution. You will need to continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The bottom line is that you can lose weight and keep it off if you gain muscle. My friend made a comment 10 years ago that has changed the way I live. All I can say is thank-you Kathy. Without you, I wouldn’t have known what I had become and would not be who I am today.

    Healthier Diet

    The easiest way to lose weight is to eat a diet. A proper diet is not only a great way of losing weight, but it’s also a great way for you to become healthier. The majority of people have one of these four issues in their diet. The amount of carbohydrates, protein, and fats in your diet. The daily water intake. The number of meals consumed per day. Micronutrients, including vitamin and mineral supplements. I believe that 60% to 20% of calories should be made up of carbohydrates, protein, and fat. This diet is slightly higher in protein than the normal north American diet, and slightly lower in fat. This is why I have increased the protein content.

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    Protein is essential for muscle building. The biggest problem in North American diets is the excessive amount of fat people consume. Frys, chicken and bacon are all bad options for reducing fat. Water is the next best way to improve your diet. Although most people don’t want to drink water, the benefits of water are worth it. Water is an essential part of your diet, with nearly 90% of your body being made up of it. You will also notice that drinking eight glasses of water per day will give you more energy, better concentration, and help you digest your food more effectively. If you want to lose weight, it is important to limit the number of meals you eat each day.


    Many people eat six meals per day. Six meals per day shouldn’t be large meals. Instead, eat smaller meals that will keep you energized and nourished. We eat three large meals at once almost every day. These meals can leave us feeling tired and lethargic. If you eat 2000 calories per day, then the best meals are about 350 calories. You can find a calorie counter book that will show you that this is quite a lot of food, but not as large as you are used too. It is a great way for you to eat and I love it.

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