    HomePainWhat to do when a Headache becomes a Migraine?

    What to do when a Headache becomes a Migraine?

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    Every day, hundreds of thousands of people experience headaches. Some people suffer from migraines, which can cause more severe pain than just regular pain. A migraine is a continuous headache. This is different from a regular headache. A normal headache may occur occasionally, but it will usually go away within a short time. If you have a migraine, your head will hurt continuously with frequent headaches. Start to notice when you feel the pain.

    What to do?

    Keep track of headaches you experience and write down the symptoms. Compare the headaches you have had recently to determine if your headache is a migraine. Flashing lights is one of the most common signs of a migraine. It is something that everyone has experienced at some point. For migraine sufferers, the feeling can last up to an hour.

    A migraine usually appears after the flashing lights (or aura) have started. The pain is usually felt in one area of the head, and can sometimes cause nausea and vomiting. People don’t usually have the energy to walk or talk. They only need darkness and quietness. Sometimes, patients can’t fall asleep due to severe pain. It is difficult to treat migraines with medication. The pain will not go away even with the best painkillers or aspirin.

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    Blood Vessel

    The brain’s veins and their role in pumping blood are the main causes of the pain. However, people with migraines might be able to get help. Your health is the first step to treatment. You should see your doctor if you suspect you have a migraine. You should also avoid situations that could trigger a migraine.

    The best way to fight a migraine is to be aware of your headache. You don’t have to do it alone. Talking to your doctor is a great way to get professional advice and support. You can keep a diary and take notes about headaches to help you identify things that are making your headache worse.


    Sometimes, even food can cause migraines so it is a good idea to record what you ate. Many suffer from migraine. Although it is difficult to treat, patients can get more help today to manage their migraines. It is important to take note of your headaches and seek medical attention if you have a migraine.

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