    HomeHome RemedyIs Chiropractic Care A Solution For Migraines?

    Is Chiropractic Care A Solution For Migraines?

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    Many people suffer from migraines before they are treated with chiropractic care. A migraine is a condition that causes a severe headache and can last from several hours up to several days. According to the World Health Organization, 10% of the world’s adult population suffers migraine headaches. At least 3 million Americans suffer from chronic migraines.

    The Numbers

    Surprisingly, more than 90% of migraine sufferers are unable to work or miss social activities due to an attack. A shocking fact was discovered by the Greenwich Connecticut Hospital stroke Program. Females are at risk of stroke by having migraine headaches, which can increase their risk by 25 to 50%. A migraine can cause vascular spasms, which may increase stroke risk. These spasms can constrict blood vessels and reduce oxygen delivery to the brain.

    What can be done to help migraine sufferers who have not received relief from traditional sources? Many people don’t realize that their headaches are caused by misalignment of the upper spine bones. These bones are called vertebrae, and the top of the spine called the cervical area. The regulation of the muscles around the cranial blood vessels is influenced in large part by the nerves that exit between the upper cervical vertebrae.

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    Good To Know

    Migraine headaches can be caused by these muscles acting in an unnatural way. Chiropractic treatment seeks to correct misalignments and improper movement of the upper cervical vertebrae. This condition can be diagnosed by chiropractors. They assess the muscles of the upper neck and help to relieve spasm or tightness. They also check for normal movement of the neck’s upper bones by moving the area through the appropriate ranges of motion to find abnormalities.

    Sometimes, x-rays are taken of the upper spine to check for movement and alignment. If the doctor can find a problem in the upper neck, treatment can be given.


    The most common treatment for this problem is a spinal adjustment, also known as spinal manipulation. This can be done either by hand or using an instrument. For migraine sufferers, chiropractic adjustments and manipulations are one of the most effective treatments. Numerous studies have shown that chiropractic care is safer and more effective than medication for migraine headaches.

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