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    Apa Pengobatan Rumahan Terbaik Untuk Wasir?

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    Hemorrhoids are a condition where the veins of the anal canal become swollen or inflamed. The veins can swell when there is too much pressure. There are two types of hemorhoids: internal and external. Because of their location, they are classified as such.


    Internal hemorhoids refer to swelling of the veins within the rectum. They can also protrude if they become severe. External hemorhoids refer to inflammation of the veins around the anal opening. The anal canal’s vascular structure controls the stool. This is why it can lead to the above conditions if too much strain is placed on the area.

    Constipation and diarrhea can cause strain to the veins. This condition is common in pregnant women. It is caused by the pressure on the blood vessels by the fetus. Hemorrhoids can also be caused by labor and delivery. The child may be pushed out too hard during childbirth, which can cause swelling. Hemorrhoids are more common in overweight and obese people.

    Faktor-faktor lain

    These include irregular bowel movements, prolonged sitting, low fiber diet, age, and poor dietary habits. This may be a genetic problem in some cases. Itching, bleeding, pain in the rectal area, and pain while cleaning the same are some of the symptoms. There are ointments that can be used to relieve itching and pain. For pain and swelling, anti-inflammatory medications are used. For extreme cases, surgery may be necessary. External hemorhoids can be treated with simple home remedies.

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    • Fiber: Include fiber in your diet. This is to aid in bowel movement.
    • Green leafy vegetables: They aid in bowel movement.
    • Water: Get plenty of water. Water helps flush out toxins from the body and softens stool so that less pressure is placed on the veins.
    • Make a soak in a large tub filled with warm water. For 10-15 minutes, lie down and soak your swelling area in the tub. This will provide relief from hemorhoids.
    • Papaya: Regular consumption of papaya aids digestion and helps to clean the bowels.
    • Prune Juice: Prune juice can also be beneficial.
    • Figs: Take a few figs and soak in the water throughout the night.
    • White Radish: You can include radish in your diet.
    • Witch Hazel: Use a little witch hazel on a cotton swab and rub it on the affected area. It will have a soothing effect. This condition is well-suited for witch hazel because of its anti-inflammatory properties.
    • Aloe Vera Gel: Aloe Vera gel can also be used. Avoid spicy and oily foods as they can cause burning sensations.
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    Catatan akhir

    Avoid sitting for too long. Do not put strain on your rectum. Do not lift heavy weights. You can clean your bowel movements gently by rubbing or scratching. Regular exercise will help you keep your weight under control. Drink plenty of water and other fluids to ease stool passing. Yoga asanas can be used to relieve the swelling and pain. Hemorrhoids can also be treated with herbal supplements such as Pilesgone capsules.

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