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    Bagaimana dengan Vegetasi Laut Coklat?

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    Out of the 3 sea plant groups, the red sea plants, the green sea plants, and the sea plants, brown sea plants are the most commonly known around the world. Brown sea plants are located in the many kelp beds around the world, and are normally the ones we must deal with when swimming at the shore. Brown sea plants are good for your body because of everything they can do.

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    They contain alginic acid which unites with the toxins in your intestines and it makes it to where they can’t be digested, and then it carries them from your body. The vitamins and minerals commonly found in sea plants may include iodine, calcium, copper, Vitamin E, zinc, silicon, chlorophyll, and much more. All these vitamins and minerals are needed in your body daily.

    The food pyramid which you learned back in elementary school, is based on the intake of the vitamins and minerals. It follows that, where as the pyramid requires eight servings of something daily simply to get the ideal fill, you can replace this with a kind of brown sea plant instead. There’s 1 form of brown plant, the Fucus Gardener, which can be used for heart burn management.

    Apa kau tahu?

    Brown sea plant has a high quantity of alginic acid in it, which is only found in sea plants that are grown. Some scientists even think that eating some kinds of brown sea plant can help lower the risks for neurological problems like schizophrenia. Brown sea plants also don’t taste as bad as they might look. Brown sea plant in all is really one of the few kinds of plant that can provide you more of everything you need with no plant needing to be put through many different kinds of processes.

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    There are no factories required for these plants, and no risky pesticide either. While Green sea vegetation doesn’t provide as much as the other two do, what it lacks in quantity, it makes up for with what It can do. Green sea plants are available in both fresh and salt water, can be either very small or very big, and has the largest amount of chlorophyll in the plant world.

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    Unlike another sea plant types, green sea plants rely almost entirely on sunlight, and are more commonly seen in shallow waters. The benefits of eating green sea plants in a diet is they help enhance your immune system, may be used for stomach pains and problems, and can also combat allergic reactions. Green sea plants may also help to make your liver healthy, controls blood clotting, fights free radicals, lowers cholesterol levels, enhances skin, reduces high blood pressure, and stabilizes blood glucose in the body.

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    The studies which were performed on a few green sea plants has produced some excellent findings. The plants demonstrated the ability to reduce fat cells, kill cells which cause diseases, and all together wash out the body of toxins. What green sea plants may do would be simply amazing, they’ve been proven to kill some cancerous cells in the human body, have been used for a long time to prevent infections, lower inflammations and help maintain healthy cells in the nerves of our body.

    Catatan akhir

    They also have a large number of iron in themthen found in an egg yolk. For this reason, green sea plants are also utilized to assist with problems due to having low iron in the body. Arthritis can also be some what treated with these plants and they can be used to assist with osteoporosis also. With everything that this small group can do, it is a wonder why we haven’t been eating and using sea plants in our own lives to aid with many of the issues we have. Just this small group can do more for us then what land plants can.

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