    HomeHome RemedyWhat Are The Best Home Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis?

    What Are The Best Home Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis?

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    When nothing else works, women often look for a home remedy to bacterial vaginosis. There are many remedies that can be found online and some of them work well. First, women should understand that bacterial vaginosis can be very common in women. It is not due to not being clean enough. It is often trying to be too clean that causes problems.

    Vaginal Flora

    Douching can disrupt the natural balance of the vaginal flora, which can lead to bacterial vaginosis.


    To eliminate this infection, it is recommended to use yogurt to douche. Plain unflavored yogurt is the best home remedy for bacterial vaginal infections. The yogurt is made with natural ingredients that help to stabilize the bacteria in your vagina. Many people swear that yogurt works faster than antibiotics prescribed by doctors.

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    Apple cider vinegar is a home remedy for bacterial vignanosis that doesn’t work. It has been proven that apple cider vinegar does not work and can make the situation worse for women already suffering.

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    Folic Acid

    It is a home remedy to bacterial vaginal infections. Many people swear it works and keeps it away. Folic Acid is often used by women who have recurring bouts of bacterial vaginosis. They are often free from symptoms and signs even after the infection has cleared.

    Folic acid and apple cider vinegar douche have been proven to work miracles. This combination is a home remedy to bacterial vaginosis. It has been used for many years. Folic acid is taken in pill form. Then, the women take the apple cider vinegar and then they douche it. Many people feel no symptoms after using the combination for the first few hours.


    Garlic is another well-known home remedy to bacterial vaginoses. Garlic boosts the immune system and acts as a natural antibiotic. Garlic capsules can be taken by mouth and mixed with food to make a difference. Continue taking garlic capsules once the bacterial infection is under control.


    Goldenseal is a home remedy for bacterial vignanosis. This will work immediately if one breaks down a capsule and puts it in a mixture. The goldenseal can be continued, just like the garlic, after the bacterial has been cleared. This will ensure that there is no re-infection. Home remedies for bacterial vignanosis are available online for anyone to search and find the best. It can be frustrating at times, but there is always a way to get relief.

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