    HomePainIs My Kid Getting Stomach Migraines?

    Is My Kid Getting Stomach Migraines?

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    Stomach migraines, also known as abdominal migraine, are a type of migraine that is most commonly seen in children under 12. This is why we call it abdominal migraine. Children can experience stomach pain that is intermittent and lasts for up to 72 hours. Children’s headache syndromes are usually shorter than adult headaches, lasting between 2-4 hours and a little over two hours.

    Stomach Migraine

    This type of headache is called a migraine variant. It may have different symptoms and may not present. The pain is usually dull and can be felt anywhere in the abdomen. It can also range from moderately severe to severe. Nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and drowsiness are common symptoms. These children could develop migraines as adults, with or without aura.

    Usually, there is a family history of headaches. If there is no evidence of GI problems and the family history indicates that there are headaches, then abdominal migraine should not be overlooked. After 5 attacks, the diagnosis can be made.


    Migraines are a genetic condition. If someone in your family suffers from migraines, it can be a clue to the type of headache your child is experiencing. The incidence of headaches in boys and girls is approximately 1:12. Boys tend to get rid of headaches by the age of 21. By that time, the incidence of migraines for children has dropped to 3:1. This is due to the hormones that girls have to deal.

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    This is due to the hormone component that girls have to deal with. This group has information from the internet. Many parents wonder when their child should be seen by a doctor. If you suffer from migraines, you should make an appointment right away. It is possible that the child has migraines. Keep a journal of headaches for your teen to track their triggers. You may have noticed teens who rush to get out the door without eating.

    Sometimes they wait until the middle of the afternoon before getting their lunch break. Low blood sugar can lead to headaches if it lasts for a long time. This type of abdominal migraine treatment varies from one patient to another depending on the main symptoms.


    While most children will soon forget about abdominal migraine, some may suffer from it for many years. This type of atypical migraine can also be seen in adults, but it is rare. For specialized treatment, if your child is over the age of 18, they should be seen at an adult headache clinic. Most adolescent sufferers of migraine are on the same medications as adults and doing well. A pediatric neurologist should be consulted for patients under 12.

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