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    How to finally achieve my Fitness Goals?

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    It is important to have high standards of personal and health. Even more important is actually taking action to achieve your goals. Why is it that so many people get stuck, lose track of their goals or don’t get started? These are just a few of the reasons people get stuck, fall off track or don’t know how to get started. The internet and technology have made it easy to access so much information, but this can make it difficult for some people. You might be told to eat low-fat, and then the next day you should eat more fat. Then you can’t eat carbs. But then you won’t eat gluten, grains, dairy, sugar, or GMOs. There are many medical doctors who will tell you one thing, and then another. What do you believe? What are you going to believe? You have to decide what you believe.

    Did you know?

    Most people’s problem is not due to lack of knowledge (see above), but a problem in their mindset. You are the only person who can stop you from achieving your goals in life. You can start saying, “How can I?” Start saying things like “how can I?”, “I can”, and “I will”. If you have a positive mindset, you can achieve anything. Many people believe that the only way to achieve their goals is to use an all-or-nothing approach. This can either stop them from doing anything or make them feel like they have no choice but to give up. It takes time to make changes and reach goals. If you don’t have patience, you’ll be back at square

    • It is best to take things step by step, so that habits can be formed and maintained. Let’s now look at how to set and achieve your goals. First, we need to define the goal and then write it down. This goal should be visible and easily accessible so that you can review it every day. It might be a good idea to post it on your fridge, bathroom mirror, bedroom door, or refrigerator. It is more likely that people who write down their goals will achieve them.
    • Break it down into micro goals until you get a YES! It’s likely that your goal is quite large and daunting. Let’s break it down into micro goals until we can all agree to start. Let’s say you want to lose 20 pounds. You know that you must watch your diet and exercise at least 30 minutes per session. Start with two days per week for 30 mins. If that seems too much, how about starting with just one day per week for 20 mins, even if it’s just a walk? If you feel that you can manage that, then you can start with that. You can continue to work for 3-4 days.
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    It is important to get started. Your life will be easier if you have a plan of attack and know exactly what you need. You can do some research online, or hire a coach to help you get started. You can schedule your workouts and meal prep in your calendar. You can also set reminders for your phone. You would schedule a dentist appointment, so why not make your health and wellness a priority? Have a no cancellation policy. This is the most important step. You can’t wait for things to happen if you don’t act.

    Step 2 will help you agree to something, then take action! Motivation is not always sustainable so get going! Consistency is key. You will see the results if you put in the effort over time. Although it may seem like your efforts aren’t paying off, keep working hard and you will eventually see results. A support system will not only hold you accountable, but will also give you the love and encouragement that you need. There will always be people who criticize you and try to discourage you, but remember that you are doing something good for yourself. Be positive and surround yourself with like-minded people. It is possible to achieve your health and fitness goals even if you feel like you are spinning your wheels. Make a plan, follow it and you will succeed. Do not let anyone stop your progress, not even yourself.

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    No Dieting

    It’s no surprise that the United States is the most obese country in the world. People are searching for ways to lose weight quickly. A staggering 64% of the country is overweight, just in the United States. Another 30% are morbidly obese. Why is the nation getting fatter, despite all the low-fat diets like Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, and Nutrisystem? Because food conglomerates have a financial interest in keeping us fat, we’re getting fatter as an nation. I will show you how to lose weight quickly and without having to die. The USDA has recommended that we eat 8-11 servings of carbohydrates as the basis of our meals.

    These are the foods that make us fat. These types of carbohydrates are what makes us fat. The answer is simple. Sugar and flour are the most profitable industries. Refined carbohydrates are what make up the majority of the carbohydrates found on supermarket shelves. They lack all the necessary nutrients. White flour, white rice, and all other carbohydrate that has been stripped of its fiber quickly become sugary in our bodies.

    Good to know

    Too many carbohydrates can cause mood swings and crash by causing blood sugar levels to drop. We feel hungry after a crash and eat more carbohydrate foods to get the cycle going again. Reduce the amount of carbohydrates you consume. There are two types of carbohydrate: complex and refined. Complex carbohydrate can be found in vegetables and is high in fiber. Refined carbohydrate products include white rice, white flour, and flours that have been stripped of their fiber and nutrients. You should avoid refined carbohydrate, and limit your intake of complex carbohydrates, if you want to lose weight quickly. You will lose weight quickly if you reduce your carbohydrate intake and increase the amount of protein you consume. Why? During weight loss, your body burns carbohydrates first. Your body will switch to burning fat if you reduce your carbohydrate intake. You should eat at least 4 oz of protein each meal.

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