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    How to be Different and Better?

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    You may have looked at online weight-loss programs, talked to friends about their experiences, or visited your local weight loss support group. After much thought, you have finally chosen the plan that is most suitable for you. You are excited and ready for the next step. You just know that you will succeed this time. Before you jump in, take a step back. Your chances of losing weight and keeping it off are very slim. UCLA conducted one of the most comprehensive studies on weight loss. It found that while most people will lose 5-10% of body weight by following a variety of diets, most will gain all of it back within a year.


    Studies over five years show that only 10%-20% of people who follow a structured weight-loss plan are able to keep at least 5% of the weight they lost. Why bother trying if your chances of success are slim? Wouldn’t it be great to work so hard and then find yourself back at the beginning? Don’t despair. Permanent weight loss is possible. It is important to spend time in preparation before you start taking action. Let’s start a foundation for permanent weight reduction now. You won’t need to resort to another diet. There are many great tools that can help you make a big change. These seven things, based on my experience as a coach in health and wellness, can help you set yourself up for success before you embark on your weight loss journey. You may be tempted to jump into the diet plan you like, but taking the time to prepare for these steps will increase your chances of success.

    Take Note

    • Your personal wellness vision is what you should be doing. What does success look for you? Think about what your life will look and feel like after you achieve your weight loss goals. It doesn’t have to depend on the number on the scale. What will you do differently and better? What will you do on a daily basis to make your life better? What new habits will you be forming about food and exercise? Any behavioral change will lead to a shift of who we are. Who will you become in your new, strong, and trim body? What are you capable of that you may not be able to do now?
    • Your commitment should be solidified. Your resolve will be strengthened by writing a statement about what you are committing. Your plan will be more concrete if you put pen to paper and make a written agreement with your self. It is powerful to read it aloud to others or to yourself.
    • Increase your confidence. No matter how motivated and committed you are, there might still be a whisper in your head telling you that you will fail. This is especially true if you have tried losing weight before. Focus on the small details and not on the number you want to reach. You can identify small steps that you can take that are achievable and realistic. If you have been eating a lot of unhealthy food at lunch and breakfast, it is time to start eating a healthy breakfast. You can start with three days per week, but not every day. If that feels easy, you can add another day. Are you not exercising on a regular basis. Start with a 10-minute walk or jog every day. Your confidence will grow by creating a plan that is small and manageable.
    • Plan ahead for obstacles and develop strategies to overcome them. What obstacles have you faced in your past in weight loss? Or what do you fear will happen in the future. You can plan ahead to prevent problems from happening and devise strategies to avoid them. Are you tired of driving long hours to work, only to find yourself at roadside buying food and other necessities? You can brainstorm a list of portable, non-perishable snacks that you can take with you. Are you a friend who meets up for happy hour every Friday at work and ends up eating more calories than you want? Maybe you can convince a few of your friends to join you at the gym, then go out for a healthy meal together.
    • Create a support group. It is your responsibility to lose weight. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to do it all alone. Who will be there to support you on your journey? It can be extremely helpful to share your vision with family members and friends, and tell them how they can support you. The camaraderie with others who are also working towards weight loss can help you to share ideas, keep you motivated, and make the journey even more enjoyable. You can also create a team of professionals to assist you with different aspects of weight loss: your doctor to monitor your health; a personal trainer to help teach you new exercises; and a psychologist to help you overcome your emotional eating issues.
    • Create the environment that will make you a success. It’s time for you to think about what needs to be done so that you can get on with your work. Are you stuffed with unhealthy food and junk food in your cabinets and fridge? Throw it out or give it away! Stock your shelves with healthy options so that you have what you need when you are hungry or cooking. The same goes for your office. Clear out your desk drawers of candy and chips. Keep healthy options on hand. You might consider buying a smaller fridge or a cooler if you don’t have one. This will allow you to keep healthy snacks on hand. Consider where you can access the gym from your home or work. Ask for a trial membership to ensure you are comfortable in the environment.
    • Your plan of action. Now that you have done the cognitive work, it is time to create your plan. This is where you decide which steps you feel are the best ones. Do you want to follow a food plan or add healthier foods to your diet? Do you plan to start a walking program, join a gym, or take up dance classes? Do you plan to brown bag lunches instead of eating out every day? Do not let setbacks and slip-ups stop you from achieving your Weight Loss/Fat loss goals. Be patient and realistic about your goals and expectations. We all make mistakes. Keep going, no matter how difficult things get. Do not try to follow rules that are uncomfortable for you. There is no one right diet that will work for everyone. There is no one size fits all when it comes to losing weight.
      How To Lose Weight?


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