    HomePainDo My Migraine Headaches Came From My Neck?

    Do My Migraine Headaches Came From My Neck?

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    Heather, a patient in my clinic, recently said that she wished she had known that her migraine headaches were coming out of her neck. I wish I had known years ago that you were there for me. Heather suffered from migraine headaches for 10 years. Her headaches were quite debilitating.

    Let’s see…

    She was often nauseated and had to be sat down in a darkened room with a cold compress on her forehead. She had to cancel many times plans with her family and friends because of migraines. Heather’s headaches were significantly reduced by chiropractic care. Heather was able to go several months without experiencing a headache.

    If she did experience one, it was usually mild and she could get relief with a cold pack on her neck. This article will focus on migraine headaches and the relationship to the neck, also known as the cervical spine. This article will discuss chiropractic care as a possible treatment.


    An analysis of a recent research study that found a link between migraine and neck pain will be done. Migraine headaches affect approximately 12% of the US’s population, including children. Migraine headaches are three times more common in females than they are in males. Migraine headaches can be more severe than tension or common stress headaches. Migraine headaches can be described as a severe, sharp, throbbing headache on one or both of the sides of your head.

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    Nausea and vomiting are common. Some migraines are spontaneous. Others are triggered by certain foods and smells. Chiropractics have noticed a link between the bones of your upper neck (also called the upper cervical spine) and migraines for many years. The alignment and movement of these bones, called vertebrae, is something chiropractors are trained to analyze and analyze. The vertebrae in the upper cervical spine can become misaligned or move improperly, which can lead to irritation of the nerves and joints. This can lead to headaches.

    Good to know?

    Cephalgia published a recent study in May 2019. It found that migraine-related disability was 80% higher among patients with chronic migraines. These findings add to the growing body of research suggesting that the neck plays an important role in migraine headaches. Previous studies have shown a link between cervical dysfunction (improper movement of the upper cervical bones), migraine intensity and frequency.

    Doctors of Chiropractic have the expertise and experience to assess the upper cervical spine and determine if there are any problems. A chiropractor can provide treatment called spinal manipulation (also known as a spinal vertebral adjustment) that will safely and gently correct the problem. Many patients suffering from migraine headaches who have had this treatment have seen improvement. Anyone suffering from migraine headaches should consult a chiropractor. Chiropractic care has been used to relieve headaches for over 100 years.

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