    HomeHome RemedyHow To Treat Hemorrhoids With Home Remedies?

    How To Treat Hemorrhoids With Home Remedies?

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    Hemorrhoids are also known as piles. Hemorrhoids are common, but most people mistakenly believe they are an abnormal condition. Only when hemorhoidal tissues become larger, hemorhoids can cause problems or be considered a disease. About half of all adults have experienced the discomfort, bleeding, and itching caused by hemorhoids by the age of 50.


    These refer to swollen, inflamed veins in the lower rectum or anus. They can be classified as either internal or external. As you age, hemorhoids become more common because the tissues supporting the veins in your anus and rectum can shrink and stretch. The rectum is where the internal hemorhoids are, while the external hemorhoids are under the skin near the anus.

    Sometimes, internal hemorhoids can be pushed through the anal opening by straining to pass a stool. This is called a protruding hemorhoid or prolapsed hemorhoid. It can cause pain and irritation. Straining while passing stool can also cause hemorhoids to bleed by straining. The skin around your anus is where external hemorhoids are located. External hemorhoids can itch and even bleed if they are irritated.

    Other causes

    Hemorrhoids can also be caused by straining, sitting for long periods, low fiber diets, and pregnancy. Both of these factors increase the pressure on the veins. The location of hemorhoids is often important. The rectum is where internal hemorhoids are located. These hemorhoids are often hidden within the rectum. They are rarely visible or felt, and generally don’t cause any discomfort. External hemorhoids can present with a variety symptoms.

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    Painless bleeding during bowel movements is one of the most common symptoms. After a bowel movement, you might notice small amounts or bright red blood in your toilet tissue and toilet bowl. Hemorrhoids sufferers may experience irritation, itching, or swelling in the anal region. Sometimes, individuals may also notice a lump at the anus.


    There are many options available to treat hemorhoids. For hemorhoids, there are many over-the-counter remedies. There are many products that can be used to treat hemorhoids, including creams, gels and suppositories as well as foams, pads, creams, and gels. There are very few studies that show they do anything but reduce hemorhoids’ symptoms.

    Many people find that simple lifestyle changes and home remedies can provide similar relief to their hemorhoids. The best home remedy for hemorhoids is to increase your fiber intake. The recommended daily intake of fiber is between 20 and 30 grams. However, the average American diet has less than 15 grams.

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    Take into account

    Bran (wheat rice and oat), beans, raspberries, blackberries and butternut squash are all high in fiber. Fiber supplements can also be purchased at most health food and drug stores. Hemorrhoids can also be treated at home by taking a seat bath. It has been shown that sitting in hot water for 15 to 20 minutes for 1-3 times per day can reduce hemorhoids’ inflammation. Witch hazel is another home remedy. Witch hazel is believed to be an astringent, which reduces hemorhoids. It can also be used to relieve the swelling, pain, and itching associated with hemorhoids. Witch hazel should also be applied topically to the area. It can be used as an ointment or liquid form, or as medicated pads.

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