    HomeBody-SpiritHow To Overcome Depression Forever?

    How To Overcome Depression Forever?

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    When I was younger, maybe four or five or maybe even six years old, I was what many would call an”out of control child”. There was always drama in my family from a place or another, and anyone with true sight could see I was only a product of my surroundings. Before, let us say the change in my bodies “Bio-chemistry”, I’d never had any feelings of depression and I had no clue what the word even supposed.

    What is happening?

    I had large amounts of energy and issues with anger, but not depression. Yet when I had been prescribed Ritalin and its sister Clonidine (Catapres) by such a’wise’ doctor, I began to experience ups and downs, I’d go from anger to sadness, from lively to lethargic, and this lasted for almost seven decades. During this time I was also placed on Dexamphetamine, which if you know anything about it, then its side-effects could be depression and aggressive behavior. I occasionally look back at my youth and laugh at how we like to just cover up things, like a Band-Aid, treating the symptomology and neglecting the cause. I ran away from home when I was eleven, and ended up living with my dad, he was completely opposed to all drugs and stop it in its tracks. There were still other problems but the issue is melancholy.


    Depression is excessive negative introspection, more simply, considering things in the past in a negative way, worrying about things later on. What happens next is you begin to get all those feelings, the hopelessness, the sadness, you begin to feel as if you have no energy etc. For decades, medicine has considered that depression is due to chemical imbalance. It’s now a known fact that the chemical imbalance is due to the depression, not the cause. Yet for some reason, so many have yet to catch on to this train of thought.

    Why do you believe majority of individuals who do a cycle of antidepressants, drop back into depression after them off? One could say that because they stopped taking the thing that was producing a balance of chemicals in the brain, the imbalance re-occurred, and the melancholy kicked back in consequently. One could say that they became dependent on the drug. One could say that they require on going treatment to help them prevent symptoms.

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    One could say that since the physicians were only treating the symptomology, not the reason, that when medicine stopped, the thing that caused the symptoms (negative dwelling on past, current and future) kicked back into action in full force and caused them to enter an even deeper state of melancholy than before. You can choose what you believe is correct, what I understand from my life and from working customers frequently is this: firstly, we have to help them change how they think (cognitive), next we need to help them with what they do (behavioural) and we need to be solutions orientated, not problem orientated, Simple right?

    Cognitive Therapy

    How we believe is the first crucial. Remember how I said that excess dwelling in a negative manner causes depression? Well for somebody that’s in a state of melancholy, having them access all of the items in their life that may be causing the depression is totally counter-productive. This causes the customer to become even more miserable, they dwell on things in a negative manner they do not have to go and pay to live, that is why people that go see conventional healers depart feeling worse than when they got there.

    It’s how we perceive the world that makes meaning for us, and everyone perceives the world differently, based on lifestyle experiences, values, beliefs, etc. For somebody that’s depressed we first must teach them how to change how they perceive world and the key is language. To correctly understand depression, you want to understand that we do not really reflect reality, we so interpret it. That’s why two people can observe the exact same event and give various descriptions of it. It’s our perception that makes meaning, and it is the meaning we give things that affects our emotions. Whatever question you ask yourself, you’ll find an answer, that answer will give you a positive feeling or adverse.

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    This guide has gotten too big so I must be brief, so you want to become conscious of the things you do because you may be the most positive person on earth, yet if your behaviors are not s supporting since they could be then you’ll discover yourself in places where you just do not want to be. Depression in my view is simply behavior, something that we’ve learned to do. Did you know that in Australia, over 100,000 children are diagnosed with depression annually? The astonishing thing is that some children are as young as five. How on earth could that be possible? As I considered it, the sole logical response was that it’s something they’ve learned from their environment, children are like sponges, if there is always tension and conflict in home life then they will consume it all up. From a behavioural therapy viewpoint, anything thing which could be learned, can be un-learned, in NLP – we alter behavior promptly.

    Solution Based Therapy

    And Interpersonal Therapy – Focusing on the things you need, not on the things you do not and learning how to relate in a better way. This I believe is a huge thing; it appears that we’re pre-conditioned to concentrate our attention on all the things which are going wrong in the world. You probably wouldn’t perfect? You will probably watch, because it’s shocking, and it grabs your attention, but he is the problem; we’re being conditioned to think that there’s more bad than good in the world. And that’s one reason why anxiety and depression is so common nowadays. One in six Australians suffers depression. We also must understand how to better relate to our own lives because so many people just feel like they do not fit in or can not find friendships etc. In addition, you need to take into account whether the relationships that you have already, are truly profiting you or whether they’re holding you in place, locking the shackles of your present position.

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