    HomeBee-WorldWhy To Choose Raw Honey?

    Why To Choose Raw Honey?

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    Many of the nutrients have been removed from honey sold in supermarkets. Surprisingly, more than 3/4 of honey sold in the U.S. is pasteurized. Honey is pasteurized, which kills some of its nutrition. After honey is extracted from the comb it is strained, filtered and pasteurized. It is then heated to kill yeast that could cause fermentation and inhibit crystallization.

    Keep in mind

    Heating can destroy many of the natural enzymes and vitamins as well as minerals. Pasteurized honey is clearer and more syrupy than raw honey. Raw honey contains all the nutrients that nature intended. Honey can speed up healing for mild to moderate superficial and partial thickness burns, compared to conventional dressings.

    Raw honey is an alkaline-forming food rich in vitamins, enzymes and antioxidants. It also contains flavonoids, vitamins, amino acids, and other nutrients. Pasteurized honey is often the same nutritional value as refined table sugar. Raw honey is the best source of nutrition. Because honey has high sugar content, hydrogen peroxide and low pH, it is antibacterial. It is also antimicrobial due to the methylglyoxal, peptide bee defense-1.


    Honey’s sweetness comes from fructose, glucose, and other sugars. It has the same sweetness level as sugar. Raw honey should be kept at room temperature in a sealed jar. It doesn’t need refrigerated. Temperature changes won’t cause honey to spoil, but they can affect its texture or consistency. Honey will last a long time if it is kept away from other foods. It is the only food that doesn’t spoil. How is honey made? Honey is made from flower nectar collected by bees.

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    The nectar is then mixed with special enzymes to make honey-like substance. This is then absorbed into the walls of the hive by the bees. Their wings flutter to provide the ventilation needed to reduce the moisture content and turn this gel into honey. Honey has been used as a medicine and food for thousands of years.


    Which is the practice of beekeeping for honey production, dates back at least 700 BC. Honey is not all created equal. Honey is determined by the conditions in which the honey was produced. The individual beekeeping conditions and the area in which they live determine the flavor, aroma, as well as the concentration of nutrients.

    • The Spoon Test – This is a good indicator that it will stay in a lump. It’s most likely not raw if it spreads or runs away immediately.
    • The Water Test – Raw honey won’t mix well in water. It will settle at the bottom of a glass. Water will quickly dissolve both adulterated honey and artificial honey.
    • The Shelf Life Test – Honey will crystallize with time. Imitation honey will not turn to syrup no matter how long it is stored. This is normal and to be expected.
    • The Comb Test – The best honey is the one that comes straight from the comb. It’s possible to find the processing on the label if it isn’t in the comb.

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