    HomeHome RemedyCan Ayurveda Combat Migraine Headaches?

    Can Ayurveda Combat Migraine Headaches?

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    Migraine is a French term that derives its name from the Latin hemicrania which means “pain in the half of the head”. Migraine is a condition that Ayurveda uses unique dosha principles. This type of headache is not like a tension headache. It usually affects one side of your head and causes severe throbbing pain. There are two phases to migraines.


    The aura is an early warning sign of migraines. It occurs when the blood vessels contract and the brain receives less blood. Auras are most often visual disturbances, such as visions of light, bright shapes, lines and lines, or tunnel vision. This phase can also include nausea, vomiting and extreme fatigue. The next phase is when blood vessels widen abnormally, stimulating nerves in blood vessel walls.

    The pain is usually accompanied with extreme fatigue. Migraines can last hours or days, and are most common in women. These headaches are common in families. Ayurveda suggests that migraines may be caused by allergies or hypersensitivity to food. If you suffer from persistent headaches, allergies should be considered. Other factors that could be involved include alcohol, bright lights and loud noises, hormonal fluctuations, such as those associated with the menstrual cycle and certain drugs.


    Ayurveda Vata migraine headache: This headache is located on the left side. It is also associated with other vata disorders such as flatulence, constipation, insomnia, and constipation. It usually occurs between two and six o’clock in the morning. Ayurveda Pita migraine headache: This type is located on the right side. It is associated with pitta disorders like heartburn, sensitivity of light, and digestive problems. It is most common in the middle of the evening and worsens during the pitta hour of the day (ten A.M. P.M. and 10 P.M.

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    Ayurveda Kapha migraine headaches: This headache is usually caused ama (mucus) and is called sinus headache. If the headache is worse when you bend down from the waist, it is called migraine. Migraine headaches can be so severe that most home remedies (and conventional medicines) are not effective.


    A professional can prescribe Ayurvedic remedies to help you get relief and prevent future problems. The Daily Lifestyle Regimen, which balances your doshas, may help to reduce migraines. Biofeedback is a method that teaches you how warm your hands are by increasing blood flow. Some people find this to be effective in relieving migraine headaches. You should also look into what foods could trigger your migraines.

    There are many foods that can be implicated, including chocolates, nuts, coffees, cheeses, citrus fruits, alcohol, and even coffee. Indigestible food combinations can often cause vata headaches, such as milk, yogurt, bananas, and fish.


    Learn A Very Unique Ayurveda Principle. One of the most common causes for toxic accumulation and disease is the suppression of natural urges and emotions. This is especially true for migraine patients, as tears are produced by majja nerve tissue. It is important to explore any emotions that may be causing you pain.

    Herbal Remedies

    Begin with the tri-doshic remedy for all doshas. If that fails, try one of the remedies specific to doshas. For all doshas, combine 2 parts brahmi with 4 parts ashwaghanda (Withania somnifera), or shatavari. Take 1/8 teaspoon of the mixture in 1/2 cup of boiled milk or water. Combine 1 teaspoon vacha (calamus), with enough warm water to form a thick paste. Apply to the forehead until you feel the headache go away. To stimulate crying, you can also cut onions. Tears release toxic substances in your eyes, sinuses and brain.

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    Ayurveda vata, kapha: Mix 1 teaspoon cinnamon and enough ghee to form a paste. Apply to the forehead until the headache goes away. Ayurveda pitta and vata: Take one ripe banana mixed with 2 cardamom seed and 1 teaspoon of ghee at the onset of symptoms. Repeat this process if necessary every 8 hours. Taste: Vata and pitta should emphasize sweet and sour tastes, while kapha and kapha types will benefit from a pungent taste.

    Final Tip

    Smell: Choose the aromatherapy that suits your dosha. For example, vata types like sweet, warm aromas, while pittas prefer cool, sweet aromas. Kaphas love spicy, warm aromas.

    Sight: Use yellow-green color therapy to treat vata, pitta and kapha.

    Hearing: Listen to ragas at the right hours of the day depending on your dosha. Vata should listen during the morning or late afternoon ragas, pitta to midmorning ragas, and kapha the sunset raga. Massage the scalp, ears, and head with sesame oil.


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