    HomeImmune SystemWhat To Know About Sports Nutrition?

    What To Know About Sports Nutrition?

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    Sports nutrition is simply the amount of nutritional intake taken before, during, and after an exercise session or athletic event. An organic athlete is one who eats mostly vegetarian, raw, organic foods. This will help them achieve extreme health, maximum performance levels, and joyful living.

    Did you know?

    A vegetarian can be someone who is completely vegan and eats no meat, fish, poultry, or milk products. You can also be semi-vegetarian, eating organic eggs, wild fish, and poultry occasionally, but not meat. I want to share a lot of knowledge with those who are looking for an organic lifestyle, and in particular a vegan lifestyle, while also competing in endurance events. I’ve searched the internet for information about vegetarian endurance athletes.

    There are few resources that not only focus on endurance athletes or vegetarians, but also use Superfoods as the main ingredient of the diet. Many of the resources discuss whole grains, fruits, vegetables, yogurt, peanut butter and oatmeal. I want you to go beyond that. I want you to be at the top of your game and have the best health.

    Aging factor

    I want you reverse or slow down the aging process. I want to cleanse your body from all the toxic stuff that is found in our environment every day. I want you to feel happy, not depressed. You should be participating in triathlons and adventure races, marathons, cross-country bike events, or any other endurance sport until you reach the over 100 age group. This may seem like a daunting task. It may seem impossible to believe, but a friend, coworker, or even your doctor might have said it.

    These foods are not common for athletes, but I have found some great foods that I believe athletes can enjoy. These foods are not common in my experience, and most people I meet don’t know where to find them. Let’s start with the energy sources of carbohydrates and proteins that I consume. They have made a huge difference in my health and I expect to make it even better.

    Take note

    Here are some of my health benefits from eating mostly organic, raw, plant-based foods and superfoods. I have reduced my cholesterol by 75 points. I have gotten rid of the various stages of arthritis that had been bothering me for 8 years. I have lost 40 pounds. My resting heart rate has dropped from 59 to 39. My blood pressure has dropped from 140/90 up to 110/60. I am able to enjoy life again and compete for the first times in years.

    I have aligned key test results such as thyroid, neurotransmitters and nutrient levels. I have reduced heavy metal toxicity. After suffering from sinus infections and bronchitis for nearly 20 years, I have no longer had to take antacids. Quinoa, Organic Pancakes and Organic Brown Rice Syrup are all available.

    • Fruits – Grapes with seeds and dates, Apples, Pears, Pineapple, Bananas, Mangos, Oranges & Mangos.
    • Vegetables- I recommend Kale, Spinach and Broccoli, Mesclun Greens. Celery, Pea Sprouts. Broccoli Sprouts. Sunflower Sprouts. Dulse.
    • These are my top choices for non-animal protein energy sources: Hemp seeds and hemp protein; Whey Protein; Rice Protein; Vegetable Proteins (kale, Spinach, Broccoli, Sprouts), Wheat Grass. Spelt. Millet. Bee pollen. Organic Eggs (for semivegetarians), Wild-Caught (Not Farm Raised), Salmon, Cod, Halibut, or tilapia fish.
    • Seeds- Almonds, Pumpkin seed, Uncooked Cashews. Flax seed is a good choice for fat energy sources. Here are some other secrets to good health and nutrition that high-ranking nutritionists and wellness professionals have shared with me.
    • Many of these secrets are not well-known because they are not covered in mainstream media. This information is not available in most supermarkets so you will need to find it yourself.
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    Other ingredients for your “Super” Athletic Diet include: Superfoods – Chlorella, Cacao Powder and Goji berries, Wheat Grass and Barley Grass; Coconut Oil and Maca Powder; Super Juices – Acai juice and Mangosteen juice; Noni Juice and Aloe Vera Juice; SuperHerbs – Cats Claw, Garlic, Parsley and Holy Basil (Tulsi), Cinnamon and Almonds); (Omega 3’seed oil, Hemp seed oil, Hempseng teaseng teaseng root tea, Milk Thistle, Yerba Mate, Dandelion Root Tea, Dandelion Root Tea.

    Teas can be used to cleanse, support the immune system, and provide antioxidant support. I have used the following supplements/other energy sources: (Creatine – helps provide energy to muscles and nerves cells), (Glutamine – Recovery Aid, Muscle Promoter and Highly Absorbable Protein),(D-Ribose – Aids in the generation positive ATP levels), (CoQ10 — Primarily responsible in creating ATP (energy form our cells) in my Mitochondria).

    Good to know

    There are many natural anti-inflammatory substances that athletes should take, including Quercitin (vitamin D), Green tea, Omega 3’s, Organic Ginger (either powdered or raw), Omega 3’s (about 5 grams), Enzymes (1 ounce cold olive oil or ground flaxseed), Bromelain (or Papain), Omega 3’s and 6’s (1 ounce cold olive oil or ground flaxseed), Vitamin C (2 to 3 capsules ground from whole food sources or Potent C Guard), Willow bark (similar to aspirin), Resveratrol (Grapes), Resveratrol (Grapes), and Aloe Vera), Glucosamine (Grapes), and Aloe Vera I have written articles about superfoods and herbs that are similar to aspirin.

    Most people find it difficult to begin to eat all the foods listed above. I educated myself about them and then introduced them slowly to see what I liked. Once you have found the superfoods that you like, you are on your way to “Xtreme Health”. Once you have a list for “What” you want to eat, you can then ask the questions of “When” and “How much”. The majority of endurance nutrition resources I have found seem to indicate that body weight should be equated with the amount of protein, carbs and fats that should be consumed before, during, and after exercise.

    Caloric factor

    These factors determine your daily energy expenditure. Your body would burn some calories if you didn’t exercise and stayed in bed all day. This would be between 1500 and 2100 calories per days. A pound contains 3500 calories. You can burn between 5 and 30 calories per minute depending on your weight and how intense you are exercising. A 150-pound runner running at an 8.35 mile per hour pace will burn approximately 12.8 calories each minute. To ensure that you are getting the right amount of calories, you need to calculate your Resting Metabolic rate and take into account the intensity and type training you are doing.

    Athletes who wish to lose weight should be cautious as you need to be able restore liver and muscle glycogen as well as blood glucose levels for the next session. It is possible, provided that it is done during the transition, recovery, and base periods. With success, I have maintained a 200-400 calorie deficit per day. This will allow me to burn between 1400 and 2800 calories per week. This will help you lose about 1.5 pounds in 2 weeks.

    There have been many myths about the importance of protein, carb and fat diets. These diets can be used to help you lose weight or increase your muscle mass. For endurance athletes, I recommend a 50-65% Carbohydrate intake, 20-30% protein, and 15-20% fat intake. The amount of each category you consume will vary depending on how much calories you need for the day. It is important that you train in different aerobic zones during each phase of training.

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    Tale into account

    Base training should be done in Zone 1, which is 60 to 75% of your maximum heart beat. Your body’s fuel needs in Zone 1 and Zone 4 are different. Your body’s use of fuel in Zone 1 vs. Zone 4 is very different. It can burn between 90 and 95% of your maximum heart beat. Your level of activity will determine the percentage of fat, carbohydrate and protein your body burns. Resting, you’ll burn 58% carbohydrates and 30% fat. At a moderate intensity, you’ll burn 49% carbohydrates and 49% fat, with 2% protein.

    At a high intensity, you’ll burn 75% carbohydrates, 17% and 8% fat. A few things are worth noting. One is that your body constantly burns protein. This is why muscle building and strength training can have a tendency to cause loss of muscle mass, and consequently lower metabolism. Your body actually burns more fat during low intensity training. High intensity workouts like 5k races require carbohydrates to provide energy. Instead of the 90 minutes that is the norm for Zone 3 to 4 training and exercise, muscle glycogen depletion can happen in as little as 50 to 60 minutes.

    The number of grams of each macronutrient (protein/fat, carbohydrate, etc.) you need to consume in a given day will depend on how many workouts you do. Also, you must consider pre-exercise meals, post-exercise refuelling, and post-exercise recovery. You also have to account for calories you may eat for dinner (night before races), snacks, and lunches. For example, for 3-4 hours of intense training you will need 4.5 to 5.5 grams for every pound of your body weight.

    Heavy training

    It will require approximately.50 to.75g of protein per pound and around.50 to.55g of fat per pound. It is important to consider how much you can absorb, in addition to how much you are burning during exercise. Simple sugar carbohydrate and a 6-8% solution mix will provide enough calories per an hour. You will need to drink more water to aid digestion. This can lead to cramping, overhydration, and bloating. Complex carbohydrate solutions are slightly better as the 16-18% density matches the osmolality for water digestion. I was always averse to all the options, but I have learned to embrace complex carbohydrate solutions.

    I make my own coconut water, dates, and even spirulina, as real food is the best source of energy. Although it is difficult for most athletes, mixing their own sport drinks can be a challenge. However, even a 28-ounce bottle of water could be homemade and give you an advantage in your fueling plan. Companies such as Hammer Nutrition recommend consuming 240 to 280 calories an hour, 400 to 600g of sodium per hour, and 16 to 28 oz water per hour for a 165-pound athlete. This can be adjusted slightly to account for weight differences.

    It can be difficult for most people to know when to eat. A lot depends on your life. I find that it is best to eat 3-4 hours before an endurance workout. This is not always possible. Depending on your weight, you should consume 300g of carbs the night prior to an event. The closer you are to the event start time, the more you will want to reduce the fiber and protein and increase your carbs. You should also try to eat as much liquid food as possible.

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    While it is recommended that you focus your attention on the foods in this article, it is also a good idea to consider traditional energy sources when possible. Be aware that organic and clean energy sources will not contain any pesticides, herbicides or foreign unidentified material from cooking. Your body will need to use energy to survive. You can store it in fat cells, or move it through your digestive and lymphatic systems as quickly as possible to get rid of it. Your body should not be using fuel to eliminate toxins, but ATP to generate it.

    Refueling is a critical part of life. Fluid and electrolyte intake are essential. Everybody is different, but you need to consume the same amount as your sweat rate. This will vary from person to person. As a rule of thumb, you should drink approximately half your body weight in ounces daily on a normal low intensity days. It is recommended to drink between 16 and 28 ounces of water per hour during exercise. It is important to not drink too much water and have to get rid of it as often as possible.


    Your body will need to eliminate excess water and take valuable alkaline minerals with it. Your daily activity and training sessions will determine how much water you need. The essential electrolytes are sodium, potassium and magnesium as well as calcium, manganese, and calcium. I have provided a lot of information to help you get started on your journey towards organic nutrition and sports nutrition. By experimenting with the foods in this article, you will be miles ahead of any athlete. And, best of all, you will enjoy great health as an added benefit.

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