    HomeImmune SystemWhat Are Common Home Remedies For Common Colds?

    What Are Common Home Remedies For Common Colds?

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    Common cold is an infection of the upper respiratory system, including the nose and throat. It can be caused either by one or more of the hundreds of viruses. Viral infections can only multiply within the body cells, unlike bacteria. They also have preferences for certain tissue types. For example, cold viruses only infect the membranes of the throat and nose.

    Take into account

    Once they are inside the tissues, the virus takes control of the activity of the tissue cells and begins to multiply quickly. They infect other cells by infecting them. The virus stimulates the production of antibodies that may protect the patient from future attacks by the virus. After infection, symptoms of a cold can appear within 18-48 hours.

    The mucus membrane secretes too much mucus to stop the virus spreading. This causes the nose to run. This excess can cause mild headaches by filling the sinus cavities. The victim may feel “low” and have some discomfort in his joints. Common colds can be very annoying. These home remedies can be used to treat and prevent common colds.

    Home remedies

    The first home remedy for common colds, is to rest. If you have a fever, headache, sore throat, or other symptoms, you can take two aspirins every 4 hours. A light diet is another home remedy. This diet consists of soups, juices, and recipe soup. Gargling with kava-kava can help soothe a sore throat from coughing. This will help the patient relax, making it easier to treat common colds. A vaporizer is a third home remedy for fighting common colds.

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    You can also try putting eucalyptus oil into 2 cups of boiling water, and then inhale the steam. This will make the patient’s breathing easier. A fourth home remedy is to boost your immune system by taking vitamins. Vitamin C and Zinc lozenges are good options to prevent and combat common colds. Echinacea or goldenseal extracts are another option. The fifth effective remedy is to use herbal medicines. You can use herbs such as Hyssop, Echinacea and pure tea tree oil, Echinacea and wild indigo.

    Final note

    They can be used to treat cold viruses, soothe sore throats, and boost one’s immune system. Belladonna, Arsenicum, Aconite and Antimonium tartaricum are all home remedies that can be used to treat common colds. Boil water in small pot. Add eucalyptus oil. To keep the steam from escaping, place a towel over your head.

    Then, bend over the pot to inhale deeply. The steam will make you feel better and help you breathe easier. Remedy for grownups – Take a fresh lemon and add some brandy and honey to it. Mix well and enjoy. The best treatment for a cold is chicken soup. To treat common colds and open congestion, you can sip green tea, chamomile tea, or green tea. To cure your flu, eat radish with salt. A warm bath is a good home remedy for common flu. This will open your nose and help you breathe better.

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