    HomeImmune SystemCould Ganoderma Treat Cancer?

    Could Ganoderma Treat Cancer?

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    By definition, Ganoderma is a”mushroom” in the green and lively Mycetes plant kingdom in which brief and little fungi that are not able to manufacture their own food like green plants–via photosynthesis–thrive. Within the plant kingdom, Ganoderma Lucidum is a member of a superior grade.


    Of all of the many edible fungi in the realm, the Ganoderma mushroom stands out in its own medicinal values. Although Ganoderma might appear insignificant to many people for it contributes a parasitic life by breaking down and living on nutrients of different plants and animals, there’s more to the mushroom than meets the eye. Called the “superior herb,” Ganoderma Lucidum is a rare selection of mushroom credited with the highest medicinal qualities in the Ancient China and is also a subject of many researches by various universities and universities in the contemporary times.

    Good to know

    Also called “Linghzi” in China–that is regarded as an auspicious medicine due to its medical efficacy–and “Reishi” in Japan–that is known as, the’God’s Herb’, Ganoderma’s worldwide popularity as a powerful medicinal herb continues to increase and is currently mass-produced to help fight one of the dreaded diseases of now –cancer.

    Ganoderma works best in treating cancer since it helps cleanse the whole body from toxins while it strengthens immunity. Additionally, it contributes to the development of liver function while it stimulates the regeneration of liver cells–providing a crucial supplement for those men and women who have liver cancer. Aside improving liver detoxification, the anti inflammatory agents in Ganoderma including Germanium and polysaccharides. The polysaccharide fraction of Ganoderma is accountable for its anti-tumor efficacy.

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    The indications for Ganoderma use in cancer include supplementation to reduce side-effects through radiotherapy or chemotherapy, to prolong survival, to enhance quality of life, and also to prevent occurrence or recurrence. While Ganoderma is used as a supplement during chemotherapy or radiotherapy to reduce side-effects like loss of appetite, fatigue, hair loss, and risk of disease, it may also reduce the toxic and decrease the pains throughout the sessions especially to cancer patients in terminal phases.

    Aside from helping the immune and endocrine system to stop tumors, help improve the flow and remove harmful free radicals, additional properties of Ganoderma that help in the treatment of cancer include the inhibition of DNA synthesis of the cancer cells, destroying the terminal enzyme activity of the tumor cells and control the spread of cancer cells. Still, while Ganoderma has been known clinically and traditionally as potentially beneficial in the treatment of cancer, there’s still a notable discrepancy if it can totally heal the Big “C” due to the dearth of clinical trials demonstrating its effectiveness.

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    Final note

    Despite these controversies, studies suggest that although Ganoderma and its derivatives aren’t pharmaceuticals and haven’t undergone rigorous clinical trials to be analyzed against the disease, there are indirect clinical evidences to support its supplementary use in cancer. Aside from being the largest potential in treating cancer, the requirement to take Ganoderma remains crucial for many illnesses are caused by the imbalance of body functions due to the accumulated toxins in the body. Apart from removing the build-up of toxins, Ganoderma also protects and detoxifies the liver, prevents and cures heart ailments while it slows the aging procedure. Additionally, it has positive impact on insomnia, being a cure for high blood pressure and as successful treat diabetes. While it acts as a cure for chronic bronchitis and asthma, Ganoderma also has impact on hyper susceptibility and can be used as a beauty care medicine to the skin.


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