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    Why am I having Trouble Losing Weight?

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    Are you having trouble losing weight? Many people have difficulty losing weight. No matter what diet they try it seems to fail, no matter how good it is for others. Although there are many reasons, there is one thing that can ruin any weight loss program. Inflammation is the enemy. This is not the inflammation you feel with a scraped knee, or a sprained ankle. Inflammation is an important part in the healing process. I’m talking about general body, “silent” inflammation – killer inflammation. Silent inflammation is destructive. It is at the root of many serious diseases, including stroke, heart disease, and autoimmune disease.

    Silent Inflammation

    Silent inflammation can also affect important weight-regulating hormones. Ghrelin (the main appetite regulator hormone) and Leptin (the secondary one) are the two main ones. Ghrelin signals your brain when you are hungry so you can eat. Leptin tells your brain when you are full. Leptin signals your brain when you’re full, but if it doesn’t, your brain will continue to crave food. It doesn’t matter what diet you follow, you won’t be satisfied. How does this relate to inflammation High sensitivity C-reactive proteins, also known as hsCRP or high sensitivity CRP, are some of the most important inflammatory substances in the body. The liver produces C-reactive proteins. The liver makes more hsCRP if you are more inflamed.

    Leptin is prevented from crossing the blood/brain barrier by attaching to hsCRP. You will feel less satisfied and full after eating if you are “leptin-resistant”. You must lower your inflammation levels if you want to lower hsCRP. How can you do this? Reduce carbs – Sugar, particularly high fructose corn syrup, starch, especially refined grains, and white potatoes, are all inflammatory foods. To give your body rest, avoid all of these foods. Stress reduction – Your hsCRP can be affected by emotional, mental, and physical stress.


    Exercising too often can be very detrimental to your body. Get enough sleep – Adults need at least 7-8 hours sleep. Support your adrenal glands – It is important to reduce stress. You can also take nutritional and herbal supplements. Maintain a healthy insulin level. Excessive insulin can cause inflammation. To reduce inflammation, take nutritional and herbal supplements.

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    Some of the most helpful herbs include turmeric, boswelia and resveratrol. It is a good idea for your hsCRP to be checked on a regular basis. It is a very inexpensive test. No matter what range your lab considers normal, your hsCRP should not be above 0.5. You may be able to lose weight once your hsCRP is at the right level.

    Low GI

    Although the GI diet is based on Glycemic Index has become very popular in recent years, the GI ranking system has existed since 1981. Many books have been published about the success of GI diet. But is it really a lifestyle or a diet? The glycemic indicator was developed by Dr. David Jenkins from the University of Toronto, Canada. It measures the rate at which food is broken down in the body to make glucose. Although it was originally developed to help diabetic patients manage their glucose levels, it soon became a tool for people who want to lose weight and control their eating habits. The key was to slow down the breakdown of food into glucose.

    Glucose provides the body with its natural energy source. It gives you energy when food is broken down. When it is burned up, it causes hunger and fatigue. Foods are classified according to how quickly they raise blood sugar levels after eating. Low GI foods are less than 55, medium GI foods range from 55 to 70, and high GI food rank higher than 70. High GI foods are quickly broken down in the body, making you hungry again very soon after eating. Low GI foods take longer to digest and absorb so you feel fuller for longer periods of time after eating.

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    Proper Diet

    Low GI diets aim to change eating habits so that low GI foods are more common. These foods take longer for the body to convert into glucose. This produces a more consistent level of glucose throughout the day, avoiding high glucose times and low glucose slumps. It stops hunger and cravings from happening as often. These two components allow dieters to eat balanced meals and not feel “energy slumps”. Whole grains and unprocessed foods take longer for the body’s glucose to convert and give the feeling of fullness for longer. It prevents cravings that can lead to overeating or eating foods that are not part of the diet plan. The diet should not be solely based on the glycemic score as low GI foods can be unhealthy.

    It is important to choose foods based on their overall nutritional content. Glycemic indexes are affected by many factors, including the nutrient content, processing methods, cooking methods, food combinations, and ripeness for fruits and vegetables. High-fat products have a lower GI because they take longer to break down than those high in carbs. However, this doesn’t mean that you should eat high-fat foods to stay within the index. Whole milk is ranked lower that the fat-free or low-fat one.

    Glycemic Index

    Glycemic index does not rank foods that don’t contain carbohydrates like fresh meat, poultry, eggs, and cheese. It does not include processed foods, such as meat and dairy products. Low-GI foods should be lean or low-fat meats, which have been trimmed of visible fat, skinless poultry, and low-fat dairy products. It is important to consider the nutrient content. Remember that the glycemic score ranks individual foods and not whole meals.

    The GI value of a meal can vary depending on how it is prepared. However, it can be determined that incorporating low-GI foods into your meal will result a lower overall GI. Low GI does not cause rapid weight loss, but it will result in a steady, consistent decrease in body fat. People who follow this plan report feeling more energetic and more inclined to exercise. Is the low GI diet a diet or a lifestyle choice? Experts agree that it is a diet that leads to lifestyle changes. It is a good idea to eat low GI foods for weight control, maintenance, energy levels, and healthy eating.

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