    HomeSkin CareWhat Is Acne Home Remedy?

    What Is Acne Home Remedy?

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    Yes, everyone has probably heard of one at some time in their life, whether they have acne or not. The first acne home remedy I ever heard of was when I was in Jr.. High School back in the 70’s. If you had acne, or back then we called them pimples, you’d just before bed put a tiny dab of toothpaste on any blemishes you had and that would do just fine. It looked like sometimes it worked, but most of the time it didn’t.


    Back then they didn’t have the world wide web to easily find more treatments, so occasionally it would be months before I would hear of another acne home remedy to try. Over the years I tried many acne home remedies: Taking fresh squeezed lemon juice and dabbing that on my acne. I had been advised to cut a potato in half and hold that on the affected place. Holding certain kinds of leaves on my acne for 5 minutes before bed.

    One year a neighbor told me to get some fresh garlic and place that on my acne for 5 minutes or so. My mom heard from a co-worker to grind some black cumin seeds and combine that with vinegar to form a paste, then put that on the affected place. I could go on and on with this. Bottom line: none of these acne home remedies cured my acne. Did I see any positive results with acne home remedies? Yes. But again, were some of these permanent? Why did all of these acne home remedies fail in the long term? It’s all because of one simple fact, none of them address the “root cause” of the issue.

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    Really, think about it

    Whether your rubbing any acne product in your skin, or your placing garlic on it, your only addressing the symptoms, not the cause. Allow me to explain. Your skin is basically a feedback mechanism for you inner wellness. If your skin has acne, it only means that there are a number of problems that you will need to deal with to be able to alleviate the issue. How do I know this? Years of having acne and also making a promise to itself to locate a cure irrespective of how long it takes. Trust me, I didn’t do it overnight. Years upon years of study and trial and error to think of the answers.


    The actual point I am trying to make is that acne home remedies can work in certain cases for short term relief, but they won’t ever function to permanently cure your acne. Clear Solutions Research Inc. was formed in 1997 and has developed a proven protocol to cure acne without using prescription medications or harmful drugs.

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