    HomeImmune SystemHow To Optimize Your Immune System?

    How To Optimize Your Immune System?

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    This question is most likely among the most disturbing questions. Why? Because literally tens of thousands, even millions are based on this vaccine to give them a fighting chances against this H1N1 virus. There’s a whole lot of doubt about the safety of the vaccine. It’s reported that even some physicians don’t feel comfortable with their own families taking the vaccine.

    Let’s start

    For example, it’s reported that Dr. Oz on a talk show confessed that his family won’t take the vaccine. Several nurses I know won’t take the vaccine. Now that in itself doesn’t mean it is dangerous to take the vaccine. The CDC is convinced that the vaccine is within the criteria established by these and is secure. Of course some will take a look at the young girl that had a significant reaction from the vaccine which led to some muscle control harm. Her condition is referred to as DYSTONIA.

    Dystonia disease

    It is a disease that leads to constant muscle contractions with repetitive motions, and twisting. The causes of Dystonia aren’t yet completely understood, although researchers believe they could include genetic inheritance, infections, poisoning, physical trauma as well as drugs. This is an isolated case and has nothing with the inefficiency of this vaccine. However, can you understand nevertheless why some are worried. So to answer the question as to whether or not it’s safe, well from a pure medical standpoint it’s safe.

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    However, whether it is safe to take separately is at the eye of the beholder. It’s YOUR CHOICE. BREAKING NEWS!!!! I just received an unbelievable video interview bit with Dr. Mercola interviewing Dr. Palevsky. Dr. Palevsky is a board certified pediatrician who uses a holistic approach to children’s health and illness. The question was asked: What About the Swine Flu Vaccine? I advise you to listen to the whole interview.


    IS THERE A SAFER APPROACH TO USE TO PREPARE FOR THE H1N1 VIRUS? That’s not a very good question, that’s a GREAT question with a satisfying response, one which you will be with. YES, there’s a safer and more effective way to get ready for immunity against H1N1 virus and other significant diseases. Are you ready for this? To put it simply, Glutathione is food for your immune system. Every mobile manufactures it’s own source of glutathione. Medical experts concur that major health problems and diseases are associated low levels of glutathione. Your life is dependent upon glutathione. So raising glutathione is important. The trillion dollar question is How do I get my body to generate more glutathione?

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