    HomeImmune SystemDo You Have Candida?

    Do You Have Candida?

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    Candida overgrowth has been proven to be a frequent complication or even a causative element in many of todays ailments. Treatment is available but identification must come first. Yeast is normally found in the mouth, throat, intestines and genitourinary tract. Its presence in the body isn’t normally problematic and is balanced with a well-functioning immune system and friendly bacteria.

    Immunity fail

    If the immune system ceases to function properly, or the degree of friendly bacteria in the body gets too low — as can occur when a lot of antibiotics are introduced into the body, when steroids are used, when regular stress becomes overwhelming or using poor diet choices — Candida overgrowth may occur. Someone with an overgrowth of yeast may experience any number of unpleasant symptoms such as a genital yeast infection, thrush in the mouth, fatigue, skin rash, depression and nervousness.


    The symptoms of Candida overgrowth are often treated with antifungal treatments. In spite of these remedies, however, if your diet isn’t changed to create an environment inside the body to forbid the overgrowth of Candida, relief is guaranteed to be temporary, and issue symptoms will return. As Candida is a normal part of the bodys natural flora, using traditional laboratory testing to ascertain the need for therapy isnt always useful, and generally will only help diagnose the late stages of a yeast infection.

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    Current methodologies for testing include checking for the presence of yeast cells in the urine, feces and saliva, or the intestine fermentation test that involves testing the blood for alcohol, dosing the patient with glucose and testing their blood — if alcohol shows up in their blood it’s assumed it has happened from fermentation in the yeast in their gut. Additionally it is tough to diagnose Candida overgrowth for a lot of reasons. It shares symptoms with other conditions like gluten intolerance and hypothyroid – and any combination of them may be present simultaneously, adding to the problem of identification.

    Keep in mind

    Another factor is that available evaluations have the ability to recognize only some of the 150 known strains of Candida as well as the cells in the specimen may die while awaiting diagnosis leading to a false”normal” result. Along with the evaluation, then, other factors need to be considered before a diagnosis could be made. The health care provider must consider if the individual has a history of variables which are known to result in Candida infections and establish there are symptoms present associated with that.

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    Additionally, the knowledgeable doctor will experiment with antifungal and dietary treatment to find out if the there are responses consistent with Candida overgrowth. Both herbal remedies and prescribed drugs can be helpful in treating a yeast infection together with lifestyle and dietary changes. Check with your herbalist concerning dose, mode of formulas and use. For antifungal treatments not available over the counter check with your physician about side effects, prices and accessibility.


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