    HomeHome RemedyHow To Find Heartburn Home Remedies?

    How To Find Heartburn Home Remedies?

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    Heartburn is not a serious problem, despite the name. It is a digestive problem caused by stomach acids coming in contact with the esophageal membranes. This causes irritation. Heartburn is most commonly experienced after eating.


    It is a common problem in the adult population. Studies have shown that around 20% of people experience it once a week. Others, however, experience more frequent heartburn episodes, especially if they have GERD or gastro esophageal acid disease. People who are frequently under a lot of stress also suffer from heartburn.

    You should consult your doctor if you experience heartburn frequently. If you don’t seek proper diagnosis and treatment, complications could occur. You can also try natural heartburn remedies. This may be the best option to resolve your problem.

    Take note

    • Monitoring your diet. Certain foods and drinks can cause heartburn, including chocolate, citrus fruits, tomatoes and black pepper. These foods and drinks can cause heartburn. To ensure that your food is properly digested, eat small meals, eat slowly, avoid going to bed immediately after eating.
    • Managing stress. Stress could be one of the causes of heartburn, as mentioned above. According to the National Heartburn Alliance (NHA), more than half of those with heartburn have a busy lifestyle and are constantly under work-related stress. Although scientists have not found a direct link between stress and heartburn, stress can cause loss of appetite, increase the likelihood to smoke cigarettes, and increase the likelihood to drink coffee and alcohol. These are all triggers for heartburn.
    • Chew licorice. Chew licorice, which contains glycyrrhizin (a compound that lowers blood pressure and reduces water retention), is one of the oldest home remedies to heartburn. Licorice can also be used to treat ulcers and reduce inflammation.
    • Drinking Aloe Vera juice. Aloe vera is often used to treat an irritation of the esophagus. It has been used for years in Europe to treat heartburn. You can prepare 1/4 cup Aloe Vera juice, and then drink it half an hour before you eat. It is best to avoid taking aloe vera gel directly as it can contain latex. Instead, you can make juice preparations from it that you can buy at health shops and supermarkets.
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