    HomeHome RemedyDid You Know These Home Remedies For Constipation?

    Did You Know These Home Remedies For Constipation?

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    Constipation can lead to a host other problems that we would prefer to avoid. It is important to get rid of constipation. The most common causes of this condition are a lack of exercise or insufficient water intake, a diet high in processed foods and low fiber, and a diet rich or little fiber.

    Take note

    • Apples: This fruit is a special one that has a lot of nutrition and should be eaten more. Apples contain both insoluble as well as soluble fiber. It is the first that will aid in bowel movements. However, the other will form a gel inside the intestines protecting them from bad cholesterol (LDL). The gel will stick to the walls as waste passes through.
    • Insoluble fiber in berries makes it soften and heavier, which allows it to move faster through the system. It is important to get bowl movements started sooner after eating. Berries can also prevent bowel acids becoming rancid, which can lead to cancerous forms. Vitamin C is high in berries, which promotes regular, healthy bowel movements. Brown rice is a staple food and great for constipation.
    • Brown rice’s fiber is a great source of fiber, making stool heavier and more fluid so it can move quickly through your body. The majority of people are constantly dehydrated.
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    With many of these remedies, it is vital to drink enough water. You wake up and get going in the morning with coffee. A cup of coffee can stimulate your intestines, causing you to use the bathroom. However, more than 3 cups will cause the opposite effect. As with all things, moderation is the key to success.

    Deep breathing

    Most people have forgotten how to breathe. I know what you’re thinking. If that were true, there wouldn’t be anyone left on the planet. We are able to breathe enough to sustain us, but we have lost our ability to deepen and belly-breathe. You can see the difference in a baby’s breathing if you look closely. We all breathe shallowly and short. Breathe in shallow and short breaths. Hold for 4 seconds, then breathe out through your mouth for 8. Deep breathing daily will help you get many of your bodily functions back on track. Your bowels will begin to move more frequently, and you will experience an increase in energy. There are many other benefits.

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