    StartAbhilfe zu HauseWie wird man den sauren Reflux los?

    Wie wird man den sauren Reflux los?

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    Fangen wir an

    Did you know that the majority of people suffering from this common disease have a weak or damaged lower esophageal Sphincter? The sphincter, which is located at the tip of your stomach, is a muscle. This tissue keeps food and stomach acid in balance. Our 21st-century lifestyles and diets can make this tissue less strong or even cause damage.

    The sphincter can be affected by chemicals in cigarettes, for example. This disease is also caused by alcohol and carbonated drinks. Eating certain foods can also have a negative impact on the tissue of the esophagus or sphincter.

    Why is this important?

    You can prevent heartburn (also known by GERD) and cure it with simple remedies. Here are some ways to start your heartburn home remedy.

    • Red apples are probably the most effective and simple remedy. This GERD remedy has been used by my dad for over 30 years. An apple has been his GERD remedy for 30 years. Antacids were helpful for three years, but not for the past 30 years. You can eat a slice of an apple or a whole one whenever you feel the attack coming.
    • Honey is one of the oldest remedies to reflux. This common food item was even found in the pyramids. Honey has been proven to heal tissue damage. This grandma home remedy is often used in conjunction with aloe to treat burns. All you have to do for this treatment is to eat a few teaspoons of honey per day.
    • Lifestyle habits can also help. Eating smaller meals can improve digestion and reduce the risk of acid reflux. Take smaller meals than your fist.
    • Peppermint is a centuries-old remedy that aids digestion and reduces the risk of acid reflux. This herb is available in most supermarkets, but you can also grow it. It is easy to chew on the herb.
    • Aloe vera should be consumed regularly. Aloe vera can be used as a common treatment for burns, as I mentioned earlier. Aloe vera can heal tissue, including your esophagus or sphincter. This juice can be used to treat GERD.
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