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    HomeImunitní systémProč je AIDS hrozbou?

    Proč je AIDS hrozbou?

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    Today the world is facing a serious challenge that’s no less than the nuclear war is the deadly disease called AIDS. The expanded form reads as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. The virus responsible for the disease is called Human Immunodeficiency Virus or in brief HIV. By nature, every body has its own defense mechanism that’s immunity.

    AIDS virus

    But the AIDS virus that attacks the white blood cells destroys the immunity system of the body. Because of this, the affected individual becomes very much vulnerable to various other diseases that other wise could have been prevented but due to lack of self defense system that the affected individual receives the common ailments very readily. This is known as the secondary disease and it will become the cause of the death the individual and the AIDS virus gets responsible the death.

    Following four are the frequent line of attack where the disease spreads. Mainly AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease and spreads through unprotected sexual affair with an affected person who’s carrying a virus.


    Main reason attributable is undesirable sexual practices, polygamy and polyandry. Infected needles when shared between AIDS individual and an unaffected person the later obviously gets the virus in. Needles for injection invariably ought to be sterilized properly. Transfusion of blood is just another area where appropriate control needs to be administered. Contaminated blood can spread the disease. An affected person may unknowingly transmit the deadly disease to her baby through her bloodstream.

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    The disease has severe effect on mind, consequently the individual exhibits loss of memory and handicap to talk. Weight loss, intense sweating, fever and swollen organs are a few of the usual symptoms. The common ailments such as cold, gut disease etc (called secondary disease ) becomes a normal phenomenon that could not be treated at ease and consequently lingers within a period in a stretch.

    Závěrečná poznámka

    Till date the dreaded disease isn’t curable, when the disease is confirmed, the affected individual is destined to breathe his last soon, no medication or vaccine is going to have any impact on it. Mass awareness to be made through appropriate education and publicity of avoidance steps through all modes of accessible media. All blood intended for transfusion must be adequately screened before really pushed in. Use of disposable needles and syringes should be made mandatory for any injection. Sexual contacts should be strictly confined among the normal partner and have to be averted with unknown ones. So far as possible common razor in barber’s shop ought to be avoided. Sterilization of needles and syringes by all means should be adhered to.

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