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    Jak léčit bolesti hlavy sinusů doma?

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    It can sometimes lead to a debilitating twinge around the eyes, upper eyebrows, sides, and behind the eyes. It can also cause a sudden movement of the head or bending of the head. Sinusitis is usually caused by viral infections or common colds. Sinus headaches are more severe in the mornings due to the accumulation of mucus throughout the night.

    Sinus headaches can be treated with antibiotics to heal the inflammation. Sometimes, patients may be advised to have a surgery due to a problem in their nasal cavity structure. Sinus headaches can be treated with natural remedies. They are safe and don’t have side effects or adverse consequences.


    Here are some easy, yet effective ways to treat sinus headaches.

    • Headaches can be treated by getting enough sleep. Relax and get a good night’s sleep. Peppermint vapours can be inhaled to help you feel better. A cold compress applied to the forehead can also be used to ease pain.
    • A jalapeno pepper is a very effective, but jarring, remedy. The jalapeno pepper will drain the sinuses and eventually relieve the pain.
    • Apply a cold or frozen aromatherapy eye-pillow with peppermint or eucalyptus smell. This will help to relieve the congestion and pain. The eye-pillow contains flax seeds that provide acupressure to help relieve the pain.
    • Eucalyptus has been shown to reduce sinus headaches. It reduces inflammation in the sinus cavities. You can add a few drops of the eucalyptus oils to hot water and then inhale the vapours. This would reduce congestion and help with headaches. You can make your own saline nasal wash instead of buying over-the-counter nasal sprays or decongestants. It clears mucus, reduces pressure, and keeps the nasal passages moist.
    • Dry air can also cause sinus headaches. To maintain the proper moisture levels in your space, you can use a humidifier. Avoid strong perfumes, smoke, animals danger, and other chemicals that can irritate your nasal passages and make your condition worse.
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