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    Co způsobuje běžné bolesti hlavy?

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    Headaches can be distracting, debilitating, or even disruptive. Headaches can be felt in different areas of the head, including the sinus cavity and brain. There are over one hundred fifty types of headaches. Severe headaches should not be ignored. They can indicate anything from a cold to an artery blockage. Tension headaches are the most common type of headache. They are caused by tension in the neck, shoulders, or other tension points.

    Headaches Causes

    The headache is caused by radiating pain from the head, which can also cause pain from the point of tension. Most headaches are caused by tension in the area. You can easily treat it with Tylenol or Advil. Tension headaches can cause headaches in up to 75% of people. Tension headaches can often be treated by combining exercise, massage, stretching, and healthy eating habits.

    Co dělat?

    Health professionals recommend that you maintain a healthy posture to prevent tension headaches. They also recommend quality sleep at night. Due to fluctuations in hormones, women are more likely to experience headaches during periods or during menstruation.

      Co je skvělá léčba migrény?

    Hormonal changes can lead to headaches in women during pregnancy and menopause. Side effects of hormone therapy, such as birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy during menopause, can cause headaches. Sinus headaches are characterized by persistent, unrelenting pain. These intense headaches can be caused by anything, including weather changes and the draining of the nose passages. They are often mistakenly thought to be migraines. Eye strain is caused by a sinus headache that is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and fever.


    Migraines, one of the most severe forms of headaches, can be accompanied by more severe systems like photosensitivity or vomiting. Migraines can occur on one or both of the sides of the head. Prescription medication like Amerge and Immatrex can be used to treat them. Migraines are more common in adults. If they occur on a regular basis, a doctor should treat them.

    Low blood sugar can cause headaches in as little as 30% of the population. These headaches are a side effect to low blood sugar. You can avoid them by eating regularly or keeping small snacks handy for those rare headaches. A headache can occur after a bout with coughing, moving, or symptoms that seem to appear instantly and are severe enough to cause light and sound sensitive or nausea. Professional advice should be sought.

      Jak přípravek HONDROFROST působí při léčbě bolesti kloubů?


    A headache that causes double vision, stiff neck, weakness, or numbness in your joints could indicate something more serious. Headaches are often a sign that something is wrong with our bodies, but they are not always a sign of something more serious. Nearly five percent suffer from chronic headaches from stress or tension. It is important to consult a doctor to rule out other underlying disorders and to devise a treatment plan.


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