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    The word yoga means to unite, to join together or to incorporate. The system called Yoga is an essential component of the classical systems of Indian Philosophy, all of which stem from the early and deep Vedic teachings that are deemed to have their source in antiquity. Its given name suggests its purpose in integrating the many facets of character, strengthening the connection with the soul and helping the individual soul to find union with God.

    Vedic Philosophy

    It’s believed that our great western philosophers over the centuries have dipped into and embraced these Indian wisdom teachings with the consequence that lots of similar ideas permeate their doctrines. Both the philosophic and the practical guidelines of older are a valued source of advice which continue to inspire earnest scholars and those who question life now. The Vedas refer to all aspects of human life and the natural sciences, such as those involved in the religious development and advancement of humankind. Some readers may already know about the value of the curative areas of the teachings called Ayurveda, the philosophic Vedanta (the final of the Vedas) and the poetic and mysterious Upanishads.

    The different paths of Yoga, called Margas, offer approaches which appeal to different folks. But it is Hatha Yoga that is now perhaps the best known and most popular. It features a system that accents physical health and well-being and stresses the importance of the physical body. However, although not always acknowledged, Hatha Yoga, combined with all the other instruction paths, stays focussed on the higher purpose: recognizing it is only when we’re in good health which we may live long enough to reach our full spiritual potential.

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    Achieve total wellness

    Although these avenues are sometimes viewed as ‘specializations’ in choices of approaches to communicate the soul, and some choose to concentrate only upon one or another, it’s usually acknowledged that the paths should incorporate. We all must incorporate some of the physical and psychological disciplines to be able to achieve total wellness and thereby set the stage for private spiritual experience. At the core, it’s always personal experience which will establish the validity of any methodology or theory.

    Regarding the deeper aspects of life, we all at some time question the aim of human life beyond the mundane, with its seeming irregularities and injustices; we seek personal integration of personality; we wonder what part our own soul must perform in the grand scheme of things and how to integrate our religious ideals into practical daily life. The world has given us answers through many religious teachers, with a lot of them reinforcing the easy instruction which echoes that all life is One, that we’re all children of God, we must learn how to love our sisters and brothers, and that we have to be accountable for our actions.

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    The Truth about Yoga

    Although the rules of the religious life are easy enough, what’s difficult is that the application of these, and it’s in this sense that Yoga offers us a way. With its historic origin in India and its long existence alongside or connected with Hindu and Buddhist thought, Yoga is often wrongly thought of as a religion. This however, is incorrect. It needs to be known that Yoga is a universal doctrine and a natural science which may be used by anyone of any religious faith. It offers many practical methods for improving health, presents a universal doctrine and indicates a very simple approach to spirituality.


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