    HomeHome RemedyWhy To Try Tinnitus Home Remedies?

    Why To Try Tinnitus Home Remedies?

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    If your tinnitus is not caused by a medical condition, or if you aren’t lucky enough to be diagnosed, there’s nothing your doctor can do. He may recommend that you take Gabapentin, Carbamazepin, or Tocainid. All of these have not been shown to reduce tinnitus over the long-term. Where can a tinnitus patient seek relief?

    Home Remedies

    Tinnitus home remedies are becoming increasingly popular as effective treatments for the symptoms of tinnitus, which can cause a whooshing, whistling or roaring sound from the ear. I’m not talking here about vitamin pills that claim to cure tinnitus or other forms quackery. I believe that there are ways to make your tinnitus manageable and at the very least, non-critical. Here are a few.

    Take Note

    • Natural herbs and spices. The herb ginkgobiloba is a well-known and highly-hyped treatment for tinnitus. However, there have been some non-scientific studies that show that if the sufferer believes that the ginkgobiloba will improve his symptoms, they often notice a decrease in their symptoms. This is a classic example of the power and influence of suggestion!
    • Vacha (Acorus Calamus) oil can be a powerful remedy for tinnitus. It can balance and calm the Prana Vata functions (functions in the head, neck-chest region).
    • You can take five drops of the calamus root in sesame oil, morning and night, in your nose. Before applying the sesame oil mixture (nasya), it should be warmed to room temperature. My mother used to warm the mineral oil to body temperature, and then use a syringe to fill my ears with the warm oil for about 15 to 20 minutes. Although it may not have relieved the earache, it was a good feeling – similar to what the “nasya” might feel.
    • This sounds a lot like Indian tinnitus home remedies! These suggestions may seem like home remedies for tinnitus, but please be careful. There is no scientific evidence to support either of them. Excessive use of herbs can cause more harm than good. There is evidence that ginkgobiloba can be toxic in high doses. However, tinnitus home remedies can be effective if you believe it might work for you.
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