    InícioSistema ImunológicoO que saber sobre os pacientes bariátricos?

    O que saber sobre os pacientes bariátricos?

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    Bariatric patients, the men and women who undergo weight loss surgery, have to maintain a different set of medical records before and after the operation. These include a record of the physique, on what basis and why they selected a specific process, the details of the operation, medications administered before and after the procedure, prescribed diet and the precautionary steps.


    Along with the medicines they’re also requested to exercise regularly to prevent any complications. When this information is fed in digital software systematically and is readily available to both the patient and the doctor, we call this as an electronic health record of the patient. Electronic health record systems are electronic record formats which may be shared across networks which are connected through broad range information systems.

    These records usually include the medical history, laboratory reports, and allergies – organic and to administered medication, radiology information, immunization, the dose of these medication prescribed and the billing information. These electronic health record systems are of great help if a doctor can find a summary of a patient’s condition immediately, by one glimpse, at the first consultation and can diagnose properly rather than going through the tedious process of producing a health history on paper all over again.

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    These systems enable the medical care professionals to handle records better, as obtaining these online is any day easier and faster than hunting down a document through the documents. The only drawback to these systems is that feeding the data every now and then by the doctor becomes a little time consuming unless the physician is accustomed to the program being used. In the event of Bariatric patients these systems help a great deal as they must go for regular checkups after the operation.

    Follow ups are crucial since these patients are allergic to complications following the surgery. Patients for example who elect for gastric bypass procedure for operation get their digestive system changed so as to limit the quantity of food that’s consumed. After the process these patients are kept on a strict diet that typically progresses from no food to liquids to solid ingestion. This process reflects ordinary, short term and long term side effects based on the individual’s body and lifestyle.

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    Nota final

    Sudden weight loss, vomiting and pain in upper gut whilst going from liquids to solids, headaches, hair loss etc. are a few of the common and ordinary side effects. A bout of pneumonia, infections around the incisions made during the process, venous thrombosis or blood clots in the leg are a few of the dangers that are short term risks. Long term risks involve neurological disorders and other systemic malfunctions.

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