    HomeSkin CareDoes Vitamin D Help Against Acne?

    Does Vitamin D Help Against Acne?

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    Acne treatment is a tough and time-consuming procedure. Acne therapy may take five to six months. If you’ve been trying hard to overcome the difficulties of your acne and haven’t succeeded until now, then you need to be aware of the many different causes of your problem. Acne has no 1 cause. Various factors are involved in acne breakouts.

    The Causes

    It’s important to understand what causes your acne for appropriate acne therapy. The frequent cause of acne is hormonal alterations. Poor hygiene, poor diet, stress and stress are different causes which may be controlled quite easily but the root cause is hidden somewhere within our body. The hormonal changes are the source of acne, stress, bad diet and other similar things cause acne by arousing and misbalancing the hormones of the body. Now there’s a lengthy list of the variables involved with the changes of hormones.

    The individual differences are also involved in this problem. Everyone differs from other in their skin type, body type, and endurance level and metabolism rate. Some diets may affect one person and not affect another; this is because each individual has a different cause or cause of acne due to hormonal problems. All of us know that vitamin D was proved an extremely considerable vitamin for a healthy life. It prevents our body from getting diseases, even cancer by strengthening our immune system. Nevertheless, there’s a problem for those who have acne.

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    More about vitamin D

    All the resources of vitamin D trigger acne. These sources include eggs, fish liver oil, certain fishes and dairy products. These sources of vitamin D excite our hormones to trigger oil glands to produce more oil leading to acne. The researches have made it clear that sunlight is the best source of vitamin D. vitamin D taken by sun is soon synthesized by our own body and is used more effectively. Vitamin D taken in the kind of sunlight is significantly more effective than oral ingestion.

    The oral intake isn’t useless, but is not as effective. People with acne may take supplements of vitamin D but the better way is sunlight. However, people with acne should consider some preventive measures while entering sunlight as their skin condition may get worse because of direct contact with sunlight. Rather than exposing some other part of your body to sunlight, expose your arms and legs since this way you receive sufficient sun exposure.

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    Do not remain in direct sunlight for at least fifteen minutes. Never get sun burnt since it destroys skin poorly. Don’t bath for nearly 5 to 6 hours after being exposed to sunlight. This is advocated by the dermatologists because our skin continues to absorb and synthesize vitamin D when the skin is not any more connected with sun, and this lasts for several hours. Bathing will discontinues the procedure for vitamin D synthesis.


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