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    How to Weeding Out my Migraines?

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    A Japanese water researcher, has done research that examines the effects of different emotions and thoughts on water. His findings are amazing. He exposed water to music, typed words and pictures, and found that it changed in remarkable ways. Amazing water molecules that expressed love, gratitude, appreciation and gratitude were found! Contrary to what happened with water molecules that were exposed to the words “I hate you: You will kill me” What’s the connection between migraines and water molecules? Let me remind everyone that 80% of our bodies is water. It is worth taking a step back and examining the thoughts, words, and feelings that you are accustomed to thinking.

    The Challenge

    I challenge you to look at your migraines from a non-medical perspective. Instead of looking for solutions outside, I challenge you instead to look within. It may feel strange at first to direct your attention inward. You may be surprised at the connection between your thoughts, emotions and migraine. As Dr Masuru Emoto discovered, negative and conflicting thoughts can cause powerful, heavy emotions that weigh heavily on your head and body until it can no longer take it any more. Migraines are a way your body and mind tells you it can’t cope and needs to let out steam. The steam is the pain. You will notice a significant reduction in migraines if you get rid of the negative thoughts and emotions.


    • Write down everything you feel.
    • Take a break after you are done.
    • Take a look at the things you have written and return to your piece of paper.
    • Ask yourself if these thoughts and emotions are what you want to keep thinking and feeling.
    • If they are not, you can cross them out and decide what you prefer to believe and feel.
    • These thoughts can be ‘weeded out’ by asking yourself “Is this true?” Do I want this to be true now?
    • You have some extra in your “mental garden”, so why not put it to good use and create more positive, empowering thoughts.
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    You will know if they make you feel better. If the thought makes your mood slightly better, then you know you’re on the right track. If the thought is dragging you down, it’s an indicator that it’s bringing your back into a swampy-migraine condition and that there’s a better way.

    Migraine Disease

    There are many types of support that you need to live with migraine disease. One is structural support, which I’ll refer to as toolkits, systems and routines. The other is people support. Today, I’ll be talking about people support. It can be lonely to live with a disease that takes away days and even weeks of your life. Migraine treatment requires that we manage multiple aspects of our health and lives. This takes support. My support network reminds me that life is not so bad, that it is still possible to live a fulfilling life, and that there is always hope. To be able to share the secret with them, however, they must know. My family and friends need to know the truth about my mind, for good and for ill.

    Here’s a resolution for the New Year: Tell the truth about your illness this year! How many of you are in conflict with others, hurt feelings, or losing relationships with people who don’t know about your disease? What does it mean to tell the truth? While it may seem that many of us would be happier if we didn’t have to work or take care of our families, or pay the bills, we don’t live in that reality. You don’t have to accept your reality or ignore it. You may have to let go of some things. Telling the truth might mean reminding yourself that if your disease is exacerbated by overwork, insufficient rest, or neglecting your health, then you will lose all the other things you cherish.

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    Prioritize Yourself

    Many of us know that we must prioritize ourselves. It’s not about putting others first. This means that you must put on your oxygen mask before you board the plane. Otherwise, you will both die. These truths should be shared with the people we love. What we can and cannot do. These are the reasons we cannot do them. It is possible that you don’t want to answer the question “How are your?” You can’t tell the truth in all situations. There may be reasons to not do so at work or in social situations. Practice telling the truth about yourself and to others. Find a friend you can share your truth with. It can be written in a journal or on your blog. Be honest. Remember that others in your life need to know the truth about your illness.

    While you may not want to tell the truth to yourself, your spouse, significant other, and your children, siblings, or best friends need to know some basics. They must know that you are a Migraineur and have a neurological disorder which they cannot control. Migraine attacks can cause extreme pain, nausea, dizziness and other symptoms. You must treat it immediately and avoid stimulation, light, sound, and stimulation until it goes away. They should be aware of the dangers of a Migraine not being treated. They must also know that you are not doing it to avoid being with them, work, or obligations.


    Most people will be more open to you talking about your disease and asking them for their support and understanding. They will also appreciate if you don’t bring up past hurt feelings or accusations. It is essential to do this, I can assure you. It is easier to cause hurt feelings and break up relationships than it is to try, fail to communicate, or wish, hope, and expect the other person to understand. Communication is essential, no matter how difficult it may seem.

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