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    How To Remove Lice?

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    It is not something you want to hear that your child has been bitten by head lice since returning from school. It may be your first encounter with lice. With all the stories you’ve heard about them, it can be quite confusing. Don’t panic! We will quickly reveal some important facts about head lice to help you get rid of them quickly. If this is your first time encountering lice, you might not have noticed the symptoms early enough to have an infestation.

    Scalp itch

    Lice bites can leave a permanent itch on your head. Itchy sensations are caused by the residual saliva lice leave behind after they have eaten small amounts of your blood. This in turn causes an allergic reaction. Sometimes, these symptoms may not manifest for several weeks if there is no reaction from the host to the bites. It could be too late to get an easy treatment.

    It is important to catch lice early so that you can get rid of them quickly. It is possible to get rid of lice quickly if you can find and kill just one or two. If the lice are not removed, they can reproduce at an alarming rate. A female louse can live up to one month and can lay up 60 eggs. These eggs, also known as nits, stick to the hair shaft and hatch in about one week. Adult lice are very similar in size to a sesame seeds.

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    Good to know

    To help them stick to the hair, they have six legs with tiny claws at the ends. To survive, they need warmth from a human host and constant food supply – which would be your blood. They can only survive for 48 hours without warmth from a host if they aren’t caught in your hair. To avoid getting lice, make sure you don’t share any items that could come in contact with your hair and scalp. Items such as caps, headbands and combs.

    They can be transmitted by direct contact, not jumping from one person into the next as many people mistakenly believe. Lice don’t have wings and can’t fly. Children are more likely than adults to get lice from close head-to-head contact with other children. There are many ways to treat lice.

    Side effects

    However, shampoo and creams that are available over-the-counter or prescription have been the most popular choice for parents who are caring but not well-informed. I don’t mean to be insulting, but because some people are now aware that many chemical-based shampoos may pose health risks. Overuse of pesticides can cause lice to become immune to them, making them less effective. So what other options do we have?

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    They are safer and more effective than pesticides. Essential oils mixed with lavender oil can be used as repellents because lice hate the scent of lavender. A small amount of lavender oil can be used to repel lice. White vinegar and olive oil are very popular products that can kill them.

    Tea tree oil, which is naturally a fungicide, is also showing positive results. If you have the right knowledge, a little knowledge can make a big difference. These basic head lice facts are just a few of the many that I’ve shared with your. Knowing what you’re up against is only half of the battle. No matter what method you use to get rid of lice, it is important to be thorough.

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