    StartseiteAbhilfe zu HauseGibt es natürliche Heilmittel für chronische Migräne?

    Gibt es natürliche Heilmittel für chronische Migräne?

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    Are you taking vitamins? New research shows that Vitamin B-2 may be able to ease or eliminate migraines for some people. Other non-prescription remedies include magnesium and CoenzymeQ10, as well as the herbs butterbur and feverfew. Although everyone is unique, the best treatment for migraines may not work for everyone.

    Migraines causes

    However, because migraines can be so debilitating, it seems sensible to give these natural and safe remedies a try. Another option worth considering is a water filter. My Mother suffered from migraines for most of her adult life. She lost many days to the pain and the side effects of the medications she took to relieve the pain. Her doctors couldn’t offer any relief except for heavy-duty painkillers that made her too tired to function.

    To get my Grandmother out the cold, she moved to Arizona in the winter. They installed a water filter because the water quality in Arizona was not so good. The migraines stopped almost immediately. The headaches returned when she returned home for the summer. They installed another water filter, and they were gone. This was a standard installation that cost $29. They are $129 now but they are worth it, even if you don’t suffer from migraines.

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    As a preventative measure, it’s important to get all the contaminants out of your water. She used the charcoal filter – it was “for taste and smell” according to the label. Because it happened everywhere, we don’t know what caused the migraines. If the water wasn’t filtered, both city water in Arizona and Washington gave her migraines.

    Maybe it was the charcoal. Filtering the water through it gave her the nutrients it needed to stop the pain. It didn’t matter what it was – what mattered was that she stopped suffering from terrible headaches. She would feel the onset headaches and knew it was time to change her filter. Although we wish we had known sooner, I will always be grateful for that unexpected discovery. These simple remedies can help you with migraines. You may even be able throw away your pain pills! M. G. Cliff, a freelance copywriter, has a strong interest natural health. She enjoys writing for companies that promote health and well-being using safe, natural products.


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