    StartseiteAllergieGibt es homöopathische Mittel gegen Sinus-Infektionen?

    Gibt es homöopathische Mittel gegen Sinus-Infektionen?

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    Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine based on the doctrine that”like cures like.” Supporters of homeopathic medicine believe that a patient’s symptoms can be cured by treating them with a diluted form of a medicine that would usually cause these or similar symptoms.


    A homeopathic remedy for sinus infections, as an instance, would entail having a diluted form of a chemical that in a normal person may lead to distress, headaches, facial swelling, etc. Homeopathic medicines have been criticized in the past because the pharmacological element in them has often been so diluted that the final preparations barely contain any of the original substance in them whatsoever.

    The philosophy behind these dilutions, however, is that an individual’s body is obviously capable of healing itself, and therefore a individual only needs incredibly little doses of medication to enhance their body’s natural healing mechanisms. Homeopathic medicines are typically made from organic materials such as herbs, animals, metals, and minerals. Because the drugs are given in these diluted doses, they are usually harmless to the body. Some people are convinced they work better than any standard drugs, but many health professionals claim that the doses are so diluted they’re no longer than a placebo.

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    There are numerous different homeopathic substances which are used for sinus relief.

    • Arsenicum. This can be used for people whose symptoms include a burning and throbbing feeling in their nasal cavities.
    • Belladonna. This is usually chosen as a homeopathic treatment for sinus infections in those who have intermittent but severe sinus pain.
    • Hepar Sulphur. This is used for individuals who undergo intense, bursting pain in the center of the forehead which worsens with movement.
    • Kali bichromicum (potassium bichromate). Patients who have acute pain in the root of the nose and a thick, stringy nasal discharge will frequently be given this medication. Patients may also be experiencing dizziness and nausea, in addition to a sore scalp.
    • Mercurius (mercury). This can be used for patients with sinus headaches that worsen after ingestion and with extremes in temperature.
    • Pulsatilla (windflower). This homeopathic cure for sinus infections can also be used on patients whose headaches are aggravated by ingestion, but the pain of the kind of headache is often relieved by cool air.
    • Spigella (pinkroot). Patients who are treated with this medicine often experience worse pain on the left side of the mind than on the right. The sinus symptoms treated with pinkroot are also generally caused by prolonged exposure to the cold.
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    Although a number of these homeopathic medicines available over-the-counter, you need to see an expert in this sort of care if you’re considering taking them. This is because homeopathy operates on a doctrine of”constitutional care,” that takes into account not only your current symptoms, but also your general medical history as well as your own emotions. An expert in homeopathic medicine will have the ability to help you pick the ideal remedy for someone of your particular constitution.



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