    HomeBody-SpiritAre you what you really want to be?

    Are you what you really want to be?

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    Understanding how our body works on it’s natural layout, is the most important key to maintaining a healthy body, mind and soul! When you think about that you are, you must automatically consider what makes you who you are.

    We are what we are by choice

    In our everyday lives, we take so much for granted, that we’ve begun to think that we are what we are because we are! I want to suggest that you’re, what you are, by choice! Your choice, or your options, are why you are what you are. You were created with the capacity to choose exactly what you desire to pick. You’re not a consequence of the need of any other human being.

    Saying that you are, because of your choices, who you are, shouldn’t send you into any kind of tizzy! It’s an easy thing that God made us to have a free will. I do not know at times why He simply did not say,”You’re this”, and make me into this ideal person who desired nothing more than to be born! I suppose had God chose to do that, I’d exist only in the form of an angel, though I understand Rick would have you think he married an angel, I on the other hand would need to differ!

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    All joking aside, we are what we’re because of our choices! God desires to give me the desires of my heart, I feel as if I have many desires, not all of which will benefit me thus,”God” doesn’t give me what I need as I put in my order. I find in life, that those things that I truly have desire for, think about when I’m in the correct frame of mind and soul, or soul to receive them. My life so far, is comprised of my decisions thus far!

    Wise decisions

    I’m moving in a direction I have previously chosen the route for. Knowing this is true, I now wish to consider more adamantly, which way I will proceed from here. Like most, I find myself considering more efficiently the path I need to travel on, the older I get. How much more desired, to decide early on in life, to make wise decisions. I have allowed myself to follow paths I have not proposed far enough where they would lead, in the past, only to decide later on, it would have been much more productive for my advantage, to have picked different measures! It’s never too late to change, so long as we draw breath, we’re given the chance to change!

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    I choose to recognize my destiny lies within my grasp, I am master of the options that shape my life, that God is willing to give me those desires of my heart which are rewarding for me! I choose God, how about you? Go with God, you can’t lose!


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