    HomePainHow to handle Headaches?

    How to handle Headaches?

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    Chronic headaches affect approximately 1 in 6 Americans, or 45 million people. Headaches, also known as “cephalgia”, are a major cause of headaches and cost billions in lost productivity each year. If you have persistent or worsening headache symptoms, it is important to visit your primary care physician to start the process of diagnosis. There are many ways to classify headaches. They can be classified as primary or secondary. Secondary headaches can be caused by a stroke, infection or brain tumor, as well as head injuries.

    Primary Headache

    Primary headaches are caused by the headache problem. These can be further classified as one of three main types: vascular or muscle tension, and cervicogenic. Migraine is the most common type. Migraine headaches can be described as throbbing pain on one side or both of the head, with nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and/or sound. As a warning sign of a migraine attack, about 15% suffer from auras.

    Although circulatory changes can occur during migraines, the cause is thought to be chemically mediated as well as neurologic. Penny Bernards, a nurse practitioner at the Neuroscience Group in Northeast Wisconsin, says that about 40% of migraines affect both the left and right sides of the head.


    Migraines affect almost three times as many women than men. 60% of migraine sufferers also complain of neck pain. It is important to be aware of any triggers, such as hormonal patterns, stress, or certain foods. This will allow you to develop personalized treatment strategies and help determine if medication should be prescribed. Tension headaches can be described as a “vice-like” feeling or a constricting sensation in the head, neck, and jaw muscles.

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    Anxiety, fatigue, and unresolved anger could all be contributing factors. The intake of nicotine and caffeine may also play a part. Tension headaches are often associated with myofascial dysfunction, which is characterized by pain in the temples or in front of one or two ears. This pain can be worsened by chewing, yawning, or talking. The range of motion in the mouth may be restricted or out of balance.


    The goal of treatment is to identify and eliminate muscle guarding and faulty movement patterns. If you grind or clench your teeth, consult your dentist. Relaxation training may be offered through massage, yoga, and physical therapy. Cervicogenic headaches (CGH), which originate in the neck, involve the anatomical structures that are innervated by C1 through C3, the top three cervical vertebrae. CGH is diagnosed by the International Headache Society using the following criteria: Pain is usually located at the base and may extend to the temples, vertex (top) of the head, orbital (eye region), forehead and ears.

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    These headaches can be exacerbated by neck movements and sustained neck postures. Common symptoms include painful neck movement restrictions or asymmetry, as well as changes in the texture, contour, and response to stretching. 50% of CGH can be related to trauma. A skilled manual physical therapist can treat movement restrictions caused by cervicogenic headaches.


    Studies have shown that exercise and manipulative therapy can reduce symptoms of CGH. These positive effects last for a long time. Unfortunately, less than 5% are considered potentially life-threatening headaches. If your headaches occur after trauma, confusion, or loss of consciousness, a prompt medical evaluation is strongly recommended. You should seek medical attention if you experience a headache that causes numbness, weakness, or vision loss. Any headache that interferes with your ability work, rest, or play should be investigated.



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