    HomePainWhat causes Headaches behind the Eyes?

    What causes Headaches behind the Eyes?

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    A headache behind the eyes can be a common problem. There are many reasons for headaches. Most often, headaches behind the eyes are a sign that there is another problem or disorder. This problem could not be related to your vision or eyes. You must first determine the source of the pain in order to stop it. What Causes a Headache Behind Your Eyes? These are the most common causes of headaches behind the eyes. It could be a problem with your sinuses, or an infection in the respiratory system.

    Let’s start

    When you have a cold, the flu, or a sinus infection, swelling near your eyes can cause nerve pressure behind your eyeballs. There is a chance that your headache could be caused by cancer. This is unlikely, however. The most common reason behind headaches behind the eyes is due to eye conditions, disorders, and general eye health. The lens of the eye becomes unfocused and causes the retina to become blurred. Your brain will automatically tighten your eye muscles to compensate. After this happens for a while, the eye muscles can become strained, which can cause soreness.

    There are many common vision problems that can cause soreness or pain behind the eyes. Astigmatism – This is a condition where the shape of the lens changes, resulting in a blurred image landing on the retina. Vision becomes blurry and fuzzy. Astigmatic people often have to squint quite a bit. Squinting is a way for them to force their eyes into focus. If squinting is done frequently enough, it can strain the eye muscles and overwork them. This causes pain around your eyeballs and can cause headaches behind the eyes.

    Take Note

    • Presbyopia – The lenses of our eyes are flexible when we’re young and even early adulthood. As we age, some of that flexibility is lost. This causes objects near us to lose their clarity. As we enter middle age, many people will need “reading glasses”. If you don’t have presbyopia corrected, your eyes will strain trying to focus on what you are reading. This causes headaches around the eyes.
    • Hyperopia – Images don’t focus on the retina correctly, similar to presbyopia. Instead, they focus on the area behind the retina. In an attempt to solve the problem, the brain again overworks the eye muscles. This can lead to soreness and strained muscles around the eyes. There are many over-the-counter medications that can relieve mild headaches behind the eyes. For more information, consult your pharmacist or doctor.
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    If you have headaches that persist for more than a few days and the over-the-counter pain relievers are not working, contact your doctor. Your doctor may recommend something stronger. If you are experiencing headaches frequently and have not had an eye exam in a while, it may be worth visiting your optometrist. Uncorrected vision can often lead to headaches behind your eyes. Contacts or glasses may be able to alleviate your discomfort. Some people may benefit from acupuncture and massage. You can rest and relax, but not all of these options are available. If your headaches are caused by eye strain, then you should give your eyes a rest.

    Sinus Problems

    Sinus problems can be very frustrating. It is possible that your sinus problems are caused by a cause unknown to others. This could impact the treatment and how you take care of your sinuses. Dust mite droppings – These could be found in your mattress or bedding. Use hot water to wash them and vacuum your carpets. Protect your pillows and mattresses with zipped covers. Sinus problems can be caused by smoking – Passive and active smoking. Sinusitis can be caused by swelling of the cavity lining. Sinusitis can be caused by smoke from forest fires or fire extinguishers.

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    • Dust – The particles of dust can cause your sinuses to swell and block passageways. These particles can cause you to be exposed while you are working or living in such environments, especially if you stir up dust while going through old stuff. In such situations, you should wear a mask.
    • Polluted air – Sinus problems can be caused by polluted or smoggy air. Keep your nose moistened and either stay indoors, or close the windows to your home and car. Dry air can cause sinus problems.
    • Common cold – The nasal tissues can swell and the holes through mucous drainage can become blocked. This is due to the virus of cold. Decongestants can be used, but not for longer than four to five working days. Antibiotics do not kill bacteria. Avoid dependency on them. If your common cold turns into bacterial sinusitis then antibiotics should be used. Sinus infections can also result from fungus. Sinus problems can also be caused by allergies. Combining sinus problems with allergies can be very troubling. It is important to take all precautions to avoid it.
    • Nasal Polyps – These tiny growths form from the sinus tissues and block the sinus cavities. Sinus infection and headaches can result when the mucus is unable to drain. Your nasal linings and sinuses can be irritated by chlorine. Don’t swim for too long. By putting your nose in the water, you could cause irritation.
    • Reduced pressure during flight – To clear your sinuses, use a decongestant drop or an inhaler immediately before takeoff. Use of over-the-counter sprays for prolonged periods. Sinus problems can also be caused by conditions like diabetes, HIV, cystic Fibrosis, and others. Don’t let your sinus symptoms become a full-blown sinus infection. Sinus can be treated if you take the right approach and identify the root cause. Sinus can be a serious problem but there are ways to treat it. Don’t delay treatment or ignore symptoms.
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