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    Are there different Treatments for Migraine?

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    Migraine does not only involve headaches, nausea, and vomiting. Migraine is a very weakening condition that can cause many sufferers to lose their ability of functioning normally. Migraine can have a significant impact on the lives of sufferers. It can affect many aspects of their daily life. Experts have found many ways to treat migraines, in an effort to improve the quality of life for sufferers.


    Migraine is a very difficult condition to treat. Not all treatments will work for everyone. Sometimes, it can be difficult to find the right approach. Migraine treatment requires patience, discipline, determination, and perseverance. There are three main phases to treating migraines. It is also known prophylactic treatment. Its primary purpose is to prevent attacks from ever happening.

    Preventive medication is determined by how severe your headaches are and how much it affects you daily life. Different medications can be prescribed for severe headaches.

    Research has shown that migraine preventives can reduce the frequency of headache attacks. This treatment can be continued for up to 18 months and is believed to bring about a significant improvement in the quality of life. The severity and frequency of headaches decreases. The doctor will then decide on the next phase.

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    Preventive Treatment

    These are the most commonly prescribed drugs for preventive treatment: antidepressant and anticonvulsant; antihistamine and beta-blocker. It is also known as abortive therapy. It is designed to stop an attack at its source. This treatment can include analgesics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications. It is believed that acute treatment works better when administered at the onset of a migraine attack.

    A single large dose is more effective than a series small doses. Patients who are undergoing this treatment should be aware of proper migraine management. Patients should avoid excessive medication use, especially if they experience migraine attacks frequently. This is used when acute treatment fails to work.

    Anti-inflammatory drugs are often prescribed during this phase. Your abortive treatment should not be repeated if you are using rescue medication a lot. Side effects can occur when you use drugs. It is important to discuss with your doctor any side effects that may occur when you take medication. Your doctor should know if you experience any side effects from the medication you are taking. If you have side effects, keep track of them so that your doctor can decide if your medication needs to be changed. It is important to monitor your lifestyle, as well as the prescribed medication.

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    Migraine attacks can sometimes be triggered by your daily life. It is important to avoid any lifestyle habits that could trigger migraines. It is important to keep track of any activities that could be contributing to your migraine attacks. Migraines can be very difficult to manage. It takes persistence, discipline, willpower, and determination to overcome this debilitating condition. While your doctor can help, ultimately it is up to you to manage this condition.



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