    HomePainCould my Headache be TMJ Pain?

    Could my Headache be TMJ Pain?

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    TMJ problems can cause people to experience painful and difficult times before they are diagnosed or given a treatment plan. Here are some ways to determine if you have TMJ problems and what you can do to fix it. TMJ is not a diagnosis. It’s an abbreviation of the name of the temporomandibular, a joint in the jaw area. TMJ can cause pain for many reasons. This is especially true if you grind your teeth every night, have tension in your jaw, and put pressure on the joint often.

    Let’s see…

    TMJ is often referred to as a popping sound or locking of the jaw. However, this is not always true. It is possible to feel a headache at first, especially in the crown and temples. You might feel like you have sinus pressure, earache or toothache. The pressure on the joint can cause nerve damage that can lead to pain in these areas. Tension may also be felt in the neck and face.

    Some people report feeling dizziness or ringing in their ears. Any headache that persists or is otherwise troubling you should be addressed by a doctor. To rule out possible causes, your doctor may order a CT scan. If there is no conclusive evidence, your doctor may refer you to a neurologist.

    Chiropractic Care

    A dentist or experienced chiropractor may be more likely than a doctor to diagnose a TMJ disorder. If you are diagnosed with TMJ problems, you will be asked to stop chewing gum, fingernail biting, and holding objects (like toothpicks), in your mouth. You may also be asked to rest your jaws by eating soft foods, limiting your mouth movements when speaking, and not yawning.

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    These habits are difficult to change and require a lot of thought. However, they can be improved if combined with pain-relieving treatment. Many doctors recommend that patients use over-the-counter pain relief, but may also prescribe stronger pain relievers and muscle relaxers. Some doctors refer patients to a hypnotist, therapist, or other professional who can help with stress reduction.


    Other options include visiting an accupuncturist or massage therapist who can treat pressure points and relieve pain. You may also be taught how to relax your jaw muscles and correct your jaw movement. Some doctors believe a mouthguard is necessary, while others think it can be detrimental. Before using any type mouth guard, consult your dentist or doctor.

    Never consent to any type or combination of TMJ surgery without getting a second opinion. Some invasive procedures can cause permanent damage and worsen the pain. If you suspect that you have TMJ problems, let your dentist know.


    To avoid excessive stress on the joint or associated muscles, you will need to rest for a short time after any dental procedure or cleaning. People suffering from TMJ pain often report that moist heat and jaw positioning are the best treatments. Moist heating pads are easily available at a local drugstore or medical supply store. These heating pads are easy to use and can provide great relief in a matter of minutes. Even a warm, damp facecloth can be helpful. Apply the cloth to the joint.

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    Make sure it is not too hot to burn your skin. It should stay in place for approximately ten minutes. You can then repeat the process as often as necessary, or follow the doctor’s instructions. You can achieve jaw positioning by relaxing your jaw and placing the tip of your tongue behind the upper front teeth. This will prevent you from clenching the jaw. This technique can be used to its full potential. Make sure you remind yourself to place your tongue in the same position every day, even if you’re not eating or talking. You will eventually become accustomed to this position and will return to it whenever you feel tension in your jaw.


    These two treatments have the best results and are low risk. You may consider trying them even if your TMJ disorder is not present. Although TMJ pain can disrupt your life, it is possible to manage it. Different treatments work for different people. Don’t lose heart if you don’t see results immediately. Keep trying until you find the right treatment.


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