    HomePainHow to avoid Every Migraine?

    How to avoid Every Migraine?

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    Although it may seem obvious, I have to remind myself of this fact from time to time. We can’t avoid every Migraine. Yes, we do all that. It is a big job. Most of us can make a significant impact on how severe and frequent our migraine attacks. We can’t avoid all migraines. I couldn’t avoid the one that struck me last night. Sometimes you can see them coming. You can see the set up happening as it happens. But she does it anyway.


    Even with all the triggers, chances are that I would have reduced the Migraine if I had taken my triptan at the first sign. My husband would have been able to drive the kids if he had not had an important commitment that I didn’t want him missing. In a perfect world, there would be safe public transportation.

    Wait a minute, in a perfect universe, we would have public transportation, and I wouldn’t have the migraine! Instead, I took Adam to his drum lesson. Then we went to the library until Rachel was ready to be picked up from rehearsal. After that, we sat outside High School for 45 minutes, until Rachel was released from rehearsal.

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    I should have let her drive home, but the effort of climbing out from the driver’s seat into another was too much. I was unable to climb up, vomit, take an Imitrex injection and then lie down. I couldn’t find my Ice Packs. My head felt so heavy that I couldn’t move from my bed. I was unable to move, so I stayed still and used my bean-bag eyemask to relax.

    The pain then began to subside. After a few hours, it stopped enough to allow me to sleep. It’s still with you today, but it’s less intense. It will go away if I am very quiet. I’m lucky to not get migraines that severe very often. I get a migraine about once a month.


    Most of the time, I can treat migraines that I get immediately. However, life happens. We don’t live in a perfect universe. We all have a disease. We do our best to manage it. I have been able to go about a week without migraines, which has been a great achievement. I’m grateful. I wish you all the best.

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