    HomeDietWhat are Steps to permanent Weight Loss?

    What are Steps to permanent Weight Loss?

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    Step 1: Your Bodies natural cycles. Weight loss can be permanent if you are able to work with your body’s natural cycles. The results of diets are temporary. You can lose weight by changing how you eat and working with your body’s natural cycles. What are these natural cycles? 70% of the earth’s surface is water. Water makes up more than 70% of our bodies. With this in mind, is it not natural that more than 70% of the food we eat should have high water content? What are water content foods? Water content foods are fruits and vegetables.

    Concentrated Foods

    Concentrated foods are everything else you eat. Concentrated foods are those whose water content has been removed by either processing or cooking. You can make fruit and vegetables 70% of your daily food, with 30% of your daily foods (meat, daily products, etc.) This will give your body the nutrients it needs to rid your body of toxins that have been building up over years. This will accelerate your weight loss. You will see rapid weight loss if you work with your body.

    Numerous studies have shown that the human body is not meant to consume more than one concentrated food at a given time. Concentrated food is anything that is not fruit and vegetables. Digesting food requires more energy than regular exercise. Combining our food correctly will allow us to release this energy for the removal of waste products. If we can do this correctly and eliminate toxins from our bodies, we will lose weight and not gain it back. You should eat protein and carbohydrates separately.

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    Let me clarify

    Instead of eating meat and potatoes together, have them in separate meals. You can have meat with a large salad and only one concentrated food. This will allow your body to digest the food faster and free up energy for cleansing. This principle can be applied daily to achieve permanent weight loss. Step 4: Eat Fruits for Rapid Weight Loss The highest water content is found in fruits. The whole process will be accelerated if you eat fruit first thing in the AM without a stomach full. From the time you wake up in the morning to 12 noon, your body will be working on the elimination process.

    Fruit is very fast to digest and can be easily broken down by the body within 20 minutes if eaten empty stomach. This is how you can cleanse your body of toxic wastes. This will help you lose weight and give you more energy than you ever imagined.

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    Mental preparation

    Mental preparation is essential if you want to lose weight. If you can cut out all the possibility that you won’t succeed and have complete confidence that you will reach your ideal weight then you will succeed. You wouldn’t wake up every morning without washing your clothes before you put on your clothes. Mentally condition yourself each day if you want to lose weight. Here’s a way to change your daily eating habits and lose weight. This isn’t a diet. You can still enjoy the foods that you love, but you will need to make some simple changes to get the results you desire.


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