    HomeDietWhat is Intuitive Eating?

    What is Intuitive Eating?

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    You may think you need to go on a diet for life to lose weight. Nothing could be further from truth. Except for a few rare exceptions, most people were born with normal weight bodies. Then we learned to eat intuitively and diet. The body goes into survival mode when it is dieting. The body’s natural instinct to eat large amounts of high-calorie foods can be triggered by diets. It triggers the body’s instinctual drives and overrides all intellectual controls. It allows the body to consume more food and burn less energy. Our bodies’ most basic instinct, survival, has been hampered by our diets.


    Consider how difficult it would be to go to the toilet on a set schedule. What if you allowed yourself to urinate only three times per day? 5 ounces at 8 a.m. noon and 6 p.m. To be certain it was the right amount, you would measure it. You would wait until the next scheduled time if you had to go further. You should not go at 10 o’clock in the morning. Instead, wait until noon. It would be miserable. Your body would have a hard time

    following an arbitrary schedule. It could get very ugly. It doesn’t mean you are a failure if your body refuses starve. It’s a sign that you are human. It doesn’t make your diseased. It doesn’t make you a failure forever. It doesn’t mean you will be permanently ill and have to try to recover the rest of your lives. It’s a sign that you did your best at the time. It means that you can forgive yourself and move forward. Intuitive eating can be the most natural thing we do.

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    Listen to your Body

    Your body knows exactly what it needs in order to live at its best. You just need to practice listening and then take action. Your body knows what to say. It knows how to breathe and reproduce. They can rest when they get tired. They love to run, jump, swim and dance because it feels good and fun. They are very picky about what they eat. They will eat until they are full, even if it means they have to eat. They eat only when they feel hungry. They must be bribed or tricked into eating more food after they feel satisfied. They drink when they feel thirsty. They love their bodies, and don’t care about how their thighs look or whether their stomach is flat.

    They don’t need to think about it. It’s a natural part of being human. All of these instincts are part of our nature. All of us have the inherent ability to take care ourselves. All we have to do is remember. Remember that a normal bodyweight is your birthright. It was taken from you. With intuitive eating, you can get it back. Stop thinking about yourself as being forever fat. You don’t have to be overweight or on a permanent diet.

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    Overeating and being overweight should be a thing of the past. They were there to keep you alive. You can return to your normal weight once you stop dieting. I’m not saying everyone should be model-skinny. The constant, tyrannical pressure of being very thin is a major problem. Some bodies are meant soft and curvy. Some are naturally sharp and angular. We are all different in height, muscle, length, flesh, muscularity, sinewy, and muscle. There is beauty in diversity.

    Your body’s unique beauty will help you heal and be free. Take time to be a child and enjoy the body that you have. Take pride in the power of your muscles. Feel alive on this planet. Don’t be tied down to a particular look. Be you. Let someone else try to be the celebrities or models. The world will be better if it has the unique, special, and authentic YOU. Believe in your ability to heal yourself. Believe that you can live comfortably and naturally at your ideal weight. Faith is a key part of your freedom. It is normal and natural to eat intuitively. You know deep down how to do it.


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