    HomePainHow Are Insomnia And Migraine Related?

    How Are Insomnia And Migraine Related?

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    Are you tired of waking up in the morning feeling less rested than the night before? You may have counted down the hours to your bedside clock hoping that you would get enough sleep before you get up to start your day. You’re not the only one. Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep. This is a common complaint.


    However, for those who suffer from migraines and headaches, it can be a painful trigger that can lead to a long day of pain. Sleep is as important to your health as food and water. Sleep allows the body and mind to rest and recharge. Many people suffering from migraine and headaches find it difficult to get a good night’s rest. Although the relationship between headache and sleep is not clear, we do know that headaches and sleep disturbances often occur together.

    Take note

    It could be the disturbed sleep that triggers an attack or the headache itself.

    • Maintain a consistent bedtime and waketime 7 days a week. Avoid sleeping too late or going to bed too early the next day. Your circadian rhythm will change if you regularly adjust your sleep and wake times. Circadian’ is derived from the Latin term “circa” – meaning around, but also “diem” – meaning day. The circadian rhythm is basically the 24-hour natural body cycle in which people naturally sleep and wake up.
    • Warm up in a warm bath before you go to sleep to raise your body temperature. This will stimulate your pineal gland, which is a small gland located in the middle part of your brain, to produce melatonin. The hormone that induces sleep is melatonin.
    • Avoid stimulants like caffeine after 2:20 p.m. and if you are sensitive, avoid caffeine throughout the day. Caffeine can be found in chocolate, coffee, caffeinated sodas and caffeinated teas.
    • Don’t watch TV or use your laptop computer in your bedroom. Bright light from the TV and computer can interfere with sleep.
    • Avoid eating a large meal within two hours of going to sleep. However, you should not go to bed hungry. You can eat light snacks, such as whole-wheat crackers, if you feel the need to eat.
    • Quit smoking. You should stop smoking.
    • Drink plenty of water throughout the day to avoid headaches and migraines.
    • Prepare for bed at least an hour before bed. Consider dimming the lights and doing light yoga stretches before you go to bed.
    • Give yourself enough time before you go to sleep to get 7-8 hours of good sleep. Therefore, make sure you have time to wind down after you get to bed.
    • If you are waking up from snoring, it is a sign that you should consult your doctor. Sleep apnea is a condition where heavy snoring is a sign. When your airway is partially or fully blocked during sleep, you have sleep apnea. This can lead to a decrease in blood oxygen levels, which can result in a reduction in sleep quality. If your oxygen level drops to dangerous levels, it can cause your brain to disrupt your sleep.
    • You should make sleep quality a priority in all aspects of your life. Don’t underestimate the importance of restorative sleep for your overall health. Quality sleep is key to preventing migraines and headaches.
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