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    What To Know About Propolis?

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    Propolis is a product that bees collect from the bark, leaves, sap and other plant materials. It is a resinous mixture that bees mix with nectar to create a mixture of wax and bee bread. This substance is used by bees to seal up any gaps or open spaces that exceed 6 millimetres in their honey hives.


    This is done to protect themselves against contaminants that could enter the beehive. Propolis is used by bees to clean themselves after entering the beehive. It strengthens the beehive, makes it more stable, and eliminates vibration. Bees use beeswax to close larger holes and spaces. It comes in a variety of colours, including red, green, brown, black, white, and dark brown. It is sticky at room temperature, but becomes more brittle and hard as it cools.

    Its composition is dependent on the location of the bees, season, and source of the resin. This miraculous substance has the following composition: Seventy percent is made up of resins and balsams; thirty to fifty percent are made up of wax, five to ten per cent by bee pollen, and ten per cent by essential oils.


    Propolis is rich in flavonoids, which are antioxidants and active ingredients. It was used to treat sores and ulcers in ancient times. Although it has many health benefits, these properties depend on where the resin was extracted. Cone-bearing and poplar trees are the most common sources of resin. Flavonoid-rich poplar resin is available. It is believed to have antimicrobial and antifungal properties. It can also be used to treat sunburns.

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    It is believed that this substance can stimulate and support the immune systems. Propolis is an antibiotic that is naturally safe. Chemical antibiotics can have side effects and may affect the friendly or natural bacteria in the body. Studies have shown that propolis can be used to combat bacterial strains that are resistant to common chemical or synthetic antibiotics. It has been called “Nature’s Penicillin” because of this.

    Nutritional factor

    Propolis is rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A or carotene, vitamin B1, B2, and B3, biotin and albumin, as well as vitamins A and magnesium, potassium and phosphorus, manganese and silica, copper, and so on. It contains all vitamins, except for vitamin K, and all minerals, with the exceptions of sulfur. This hive substance is being marketed as an alternative medicine due to its many medicinal properties and components.

    It comes in many forms, including powder, powdered, ointments and extracts, cream, cream, powder, and powder. Propolis can also be found in small quantities in honey. It is also available as a nutritional supplement. This bee product was found to induce cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, and a reduction in expression of growth and transcript factors. Propolis’ ability to slow down the growth of cancer cells may be due to its ability. It is currently being studied for its potential effect on the treatment of cancer and prevention from tumour growth.

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