    HomeBee-WorldIs Raw Honey Good For Me?

    Is Raw Honey Good For Me?

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    Raw honey is good for your health. For centuries, raw honey has been used medicinally. It was used in ancient Egypt as a preservative, and as a topical treatment for deep wounds. Raw honey is believed to have been used to preserve the body.

    Let’s see…

    Honey was used in the early nineteenth century to treat sore throats, colds and flues. For alternative medical uses, honey was a common ingredient in nearly every household. There was much research to discover why honey was so effective. The research on honey stopped abruptly after the introduction of penicillin, an antibiotic that was first used in the early nineteen ties. Science is now looking for an alternative to the antibiotic penicillin.

    You guessed it, the honeybee. It produces delicious nectar. Recently, the FDA approved a medical-grade honey for use in hospitals and doctor offices. Studies have been done in Australia, New Zealand, England, Japan and France over the past ten years. The U.S. Only one double-blind study used honey as a topical treatment was found. The study was conducted by Dr. Jennifer Eddy at the University of Wisconsin, Eau Clair. The results have not been published to my knowledge. The results will be published when they are available.

    More research

    I’m sure this will be good news to Diabetics suffering from foot and leg ulcers. Similar studies have been done in other countries with positive results. Double blind studies in this country seem like they are making the medical community pay attention. I hope this is true for diabetics who are suffering from ulcers and eventually amputations.

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    Recent research has shown that raw honey can be used in many areas, including open wounds and burns as well as diabetic ulcers. These wounds heal up to twenty-five percent faster using honey dressings than standard treatments. There are also fewer secondary infections and scarring. Raw honey is also good for your insides.

    A diabetic asked the Mayo clinic this question: “Can I substitute honey for sugar?” The simple answer was yes, but honey is sweeter than sugar so adjust accordingly. There were no comments about the vast differences in honey and sugar. Honey is three times sweeter that white sugar, and one tablespoon contains approximately sixty-four calories, while one tablespoon of sugar contains only forty-six calories. You can even out your carbohydrate intake by using one third less honey.

    Caloric factor

    Your calorie intake will be reduced by one third, meaning honey will have forty five calories, while a tablespoon of sugar will have forty six calories. You can do the math. White sugar is a mixture of fructose, glucose and other nutrients. Sugar has no nutritional benefits other than that it is made up of fructose and glucose. This is because all the nutrients in sugar cane juice have been removed from it.

    Raw honey, which has not been heated or filtered, contains approximately one hundred and eighty compounds that are beneficial for both honey bees and animals. Raw honey contains eighty percent carbohydrates and eighteen percent of water. The rest of the honey contains trace minerals, vitamins, and other important nutrients that are essential for the well-being of the human body. You can compare this with table sugar to see which one is better for you.

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    Final note

    Honey is good for you, as it contains moderate amounts of antioxidants. It can have an orac value as high as twelve or more. It is about the same as a nice ripe tomatoes or a portion of strawberries. You can double the antioxidant content by adding honey to your strawberries. Over the past ten year, much research has been done on antioxidants and pain relief. Antioxidants are more than just a pain relief agent. They have been shown to have positive effects on heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and other conditions. These statements have not been evaluated or approved by the Food and Drug Administration and they are not intended for diagnosis, treatment, prevention, cure, or mitigation of any disease. Before you try any of these things, please consult your family physician.

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